Tea Party Exposes Their Racist Ways!


Official Checked Star Member
wait, I brag about money I sucker out of guys? show me where I have done that one time please. ONE time.

And doesn't the law require that everyone register for it? How is my hand out? Im PAYING for my insurance just as I have been since 2006!! Ive had a separate dental plan through Met Life for the last 5 years that I pay $78 a month. The new plan is identical and it's $51 a month. How is that a bad thing?

And because I want better for people who need help means I shouldn't enjoy my life and the money I earn? I give plenty of my money away. I pay my taxes and donate to charities with my time as well as my money. I grew up with nothing. I was written off as a teenager by everyone except my mother. And here I am. So forgive me for not apologizing for liking nice things.

Ford wasn't nearly in the mess that GM and Chrysler were. it's true that Bush had proposed an auto bail out but it never happened because of the republicans. OBAMA Did it.
I probably shouldn't post right now. Extremely bad day at the office. Everybody must have it. But they don't have to buy it there. Have a good day


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Ken Crow, co-founder of the Tea Party gave a speech today at a rally and spoke very candidly to the audience about breeding and racial purity. "You cannot cross breed Secretariat and a donkey and win the Kentucky Derby. You have incredible DNA. Don't forget it"

attending the rally were Ted Cruz Steve King and Jess Sessions. click here for the video

and a side note, I would fuck the taste out of the mouth of Abbey Hunstman.

No. Ted Cruz and Jess Sessions were not there. There were many soap box speeches at that time but neither of them were at that one. I'll take Ken Crow to task about Secretariat's bloodlines every day of the week. That horse produced nothing.

That story was weak in every way. Are Tea Party racists? Thanks to them they are shown as so. Another attempt of the right to gather support. What the fuck are they thinking? Smaller government and less intrusions into our lives is enough to carry the message. We don't need any more expounding on this by radicals. When will they get their shit together?


Official Checked Star Member
I didnt buy it there. When you get through the registration they shop for the best policy for you. just like progressive car insurance does. they gave me a choice of policies from companies to choose from. SO I will be buying my policy from Florida Blue (Blue Shield) just as I have been but at a lower rate.


Staff member
wait, I brag about money I sucker out of guys? show me where I have done that one time please. ONE time.

And doesn't the law require that everyone register for it? How is my hand out? Im PAYING for my insurance just as I have been since 2006!! Ive had a separate dental plan through Met Life for the last 5 years that I pay $78 a month. The new plan is identical and it's $51 a month. How is that a bad thing?

And because I want better for people who need help means I shouldn't enjoy my life and the money I earn? I give plenty of my money away. I pay my taxes and donate to charities with my time as well as my money. I grew up with nothing. I was written off as a teenager by everyone except my mother. And here I am. So forgive me for not apologizing for liking nice things.

Ford wasn't nearly in the mess that GM and Chrysler were. it's true that Bush had proposed an auto bail out but it never happened because of the republicans. OBAMA Did it.

Some people will claim that you bragged about your boat and your Porsche Cayenne but it is your own and hard earned money so you have every right to do what ever you want with it. What are the benefits of paying a cheaper but a lesser quality healthcare? To help the ones that can't afford it by having to pay more taxes on the revenues to pay at the end??? A lot of us give for charity and pay taxes and many of us aren't born with a silver spoon in the mouth. Chrysler started to know problems back in the 1980's when they had a merger with Mitsubishi and after that they started to have problem when they had problems again when they merged with Mercedes Benz in the late 1990's. Now Chrysler was baught by Fiat (which is a shitty brand) and is still having problems. Regarding GM, they have axed Oldsmobile some years ago and they axed Pontiac some years ago, so I wouldn't call Obama's bail out a great achievement because some major American car brands are gone with thousands of jobs with them.


Staff member
Aren't you an Aussie? Unless you are a naturalized US citizen you don't have a right to chastise anyone for their lack of patriotism or attempt to define it for us. As for Obamacare and the rights of the poor, only the poor who don't pay anything will be the main beneficiaries of this law. I as someone who actually paid for my healthcare out of pocket and are now seeing my costs go through the roof. The only people who benefit from the exchanges are people who don't have healthcare to start with. For now, those of us that pay our own way are better off keeping what we have until the freeloaders raise our costs until we are all on the same shitty system. which won't be long. Obama didn't save the economy from collapse the bank and auto bailouts were in place while Bush was in office and Bush had already laid out a plan to withdraw from Iraq. I actually laughed out loud when you said Obama's stimulus saved the economy. As far as stimulus are measured, it was a 900 billion clusterfuck and failure. Learn the difference between stimulus and bailout. Better yet go back to that British penal colony from which you hail. Your post was so chock full of stupid it really was a waste of time to respond.
He is not enough American and too much of a socialist to deserve his US citizenship
:57 ... and :58. Yeah, you know georges, moderators are supposed to fix it when other users double post, they aren't supposed to do it themselves. You're supposed to be an example to people, and not of the cautionary variety. I mean, sure... everyone does this sort of thing occasionally, but you make a habit of it, sometimes even triple and quadruple posting.

Why don't you take some time off and learn how to multi-quote or use the edit function like a good little moderator?


Official Checked Star Member
By saying I have a boat is the same as bragging about it? My boat isn't anything fancy. Not very expensive. I didn't say what car I drove until someone asked me what kind and I believe that was you wasn't it?

Fiat made money with chrysler in 2012 georges. and in the 1980s Chrysler got a loan from the government and turned it around thanks to Lee Iaccoca.

what hurt the car companies the most was the union contracts. those were crippling. as well the styling and quality of japanese cars is so much better than what detroit was producing.
Sick of all you cry babies hitching about union contracts that are negotiated between both parties just like the CEOs and all white collars do. If you want to place blame, how about huge white clooar contracts with massive golden parachutes attached


Official Checked Star Member
when you are paying people not to work its a problem. when you have a car company that has an entire staff of alternates on the clock in case someone needs to be replaced its a problem. yes for every line worker on the line, there is an alternate sitting on site reading magazines and watching TV in case that line worker has to go home or call in sick. full pay. full shifts every day. And when you are paying everyone an enormous pension, then their inheritants and then their kids it's a problem.

My mom's dad worked for Frigidaire, which was a division of GM. When he died my grandma got his pension then my mom will get a portion of it when she dies. That is unsustainable.

yeah negotiated because of strikes. and walkouts. no different than what our shitty government just did.

my grandpa told me stories how there would be guys who were literally drinking and doing drugs on the assembly line at work. they couldnt get fired. there were guys who had been to rehab 15 times, all with full pay. for an auto worker to be fired they'd pretty much have to commit murder on the job.

My uncle is a teamster on the Sony studio lot in Culver City. You know what he does? He stands and drinks coffee with THREE other people with the exact same job and they watch the prop trucks drive in and out. they make over $100k a year to do that. He said he hasn't really worked in 10 years. they literally stand together all day and drink coffee and shoot the breeze for $2700 a week. that's what bad union contracts get you.
But as I said it was negotiated between the employer and the unions, and I know in the auto plants for every minute they are down its over $1million lost. That is why they pay for stand by and maintenance personnel because in the long run it saves money. Don't try to argue auto industy with me, its how I have made my living as a outside contractor for 20 years. Yes there is bloating, but most of the labor is a necessary evil. Long run not short term
I have also worked in Toyota and Mazda plants and yes, they have the same stand by personnel

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I have also worked in Toyota and Mazda plants and yes, they have the same stand by personnel
Completely different, refusal to work without a contract and refusing to work because you didn't get your way. And many unions have a no strike clause, don't lump them all as UAW


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
There needs to be more balance, because in "right-to-work" states such as Texas employees are nothing but cattle. For every union contract that's gone too far, there's a handful of corporations abusing their employees.


Official Checked Star Member
I said the auto worker union was the biggest problem the US car companies had. you were the one who came back with the remark that you didn't wanna hear people whining about union contracts.

unions aren't needed anymore unless you're a coal miner. the things unions were once needed for are nearly all laws now protecting the worker. And unions are as corrupt as government. they take working people's money and use it to lobby and make political contributions to things totally not related. Unions have a HUGE bureaucracy and with that comes power and with power come corruption.

teacher's unions are fucked too. they keep teachers in classes when they are incompetent.
Really, and wasn't there just a bill in the senate to do away with overtime pay? so you're saying blue collar workers have no right to negotiate contracts but white collar workers do. you really have no clue what you're talking about sold the best thing you can do at this point is shut up to the obviously you've never been a member of the Union you have no clue how much they do for their workers
Lets not forget bad acquisitions like AMC did more damage then labor cost or unions


Official Checked Star Member
never did I say that.

and AMC didn't do shit compared to the union contracts. how can a company survive when it pays everyone who retires their full salary for 30 years after they stop working? and then their spouse, then their kids?

I think overtime pay is a right and that is bullshit. but a contract where you can't fire someone for using drugs at work? being fucked up on the job? on an assembly line? that is absurd. did you know teacher's union spent over $200 million in 2012 on political campaigns? you don't think that would have best served those teachers who already make piss wages?

if you think that unions aren't corrupt then you are crazy. and you and I have always had a decent rapport but you need to fucking think about being a dick to me with that "shut up" shit. Just because we disagree dont get personal & rude. Be better than that.