Taylor Stevens....

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: PRAY for TAY ~ Taylor Stevens

Haven't heard any recent news on Taylor Stevens. Checked her blog and she posted this a few days ago- http://taystevens.com/blog/2012/08/sex-and-dating-qa-with-tay/ Hope she's doing better.

It's too bad that we never get updates on the girls after it's announced that they're ill. I was wondering the other day how our pal Kimora Klein was doing after that vicious car crash. And I wondered how Melissa-Ashley/Anne Howe was doing after her bouts with cancer a couple of years ago.
Re: PRAY for TAY ~ Taylor Stevens

I'm not religious by any means but I can understand her situation having lost my grandma not long ago to cancer so my thoughts and prayers and love are with her in hopes of a happy healthy recovery