Taylor Rain

Taylor Rain

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
A lot of those links to pics are cool, but man they're like 3,4 and 5 years old. Damn dude, that's some old shit.

Anyway I just shot some new content yesterday, masterbation in bed with some glass toys. Gonna post the photo and video to my site soon. www.clubtaylorrain.com HOLLER
I just wonder... Some of those men in porn industry are so damn ugly. Don't you ever feel... reluctant to have sex with them? Of course, this question goes to all beautiful women in business. I know you get well paid, but still..?
Re: It's Me.. Taylor Rain

hi taylor just wanna say ...your the best baby...and i said that before you come to this site ,,,check out ...hottest hardcore pornstar...im smoknn in that thread :rolleyes:


Nikkala made me do it!
Is somebody gonna make Taylor a sig? I love that pic she has ... but it's just not enough! LOL :tongue:

Taylor, seeing you on here is the best fuckin thang in the world. You have made one child of the ghetto day a whole lot brighter. Welcome to the board, shorty. Keep it good and dirtay with ya fine azz! Holla!

omg plz
this is so fake i feel like i dipped the fake pool and even the fake guards couldn't save me

Taylor Rain

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Someone make me a SIG? What the hell is a SIG??? HOLLER

Off to do a surprise live chat on my site... LOL... I'll be all by myself!