Taylor Marie

her profile is still up though. had she changed her mind I would believe they would have taken her profile down by now.

That's true though some profiles on that site have models where they haven't shot any content since being added (like Jessica Gotti) and yet they're still up.

Not saying this will happen with Taylor Marie, mind you.
her profile is still up though. had she changed her mind I would believe they would have taken her profile down by now.

Here's the thing. Back when Sara Stone was still active, the second time around, she retired and LA Direct left her profile up a good three months after she told them she was quitting. They said then, that they left her profile up for a while longer because they hoped she would change her mind. So, read nothing into an agency leaving up a profile of any model. You've got to remember, these agencies are glorified pimps, nothing more. Professionalism isn't something that's adhered to on a regular basis. I luv that they exist but reality is reality.
I mean just travelling - no clue where, but obviously I'm as curious as you are. Saw that no one had updated, so I thought I should share the news.