Depends on what the goal of cuts or hikes are.
Even Arthur Laffer has been forced to (grudgingly) admit that miniscule tax cuts (like those instituted by W. Bush) don't contribute to growth as much as they just add to the deficit. Combined with his unnecessary war in Iraq and various unfunded mandates (No Child Left Behind, Medicare Part D, etc.), all Bush did was cut taxes just enough to not to grow our economy, only sink us farther into debt... like a handjob with no "happy ending". Pretty much sums up his Presidency, IMO: a handjob with no happy ending! In fact, he kind of punched us all in the balls and then ran out of the room back to Texas. By the same token, a relatively small tax hike, whether by rates or just eliminating certain breaks and credits,
would not have a real negative affect on growth, but it would increase government revenues. Combined with spending cuts, that increase in government revenues would at least put us on the road to curing our deficit and debt woes. This is the approach I am in favor of, and other (relatively) sane people also seem to favor this approach as well.
But we now have a group of people who have signed on with a strange, shadowy character by the name of Grover Norquist, and he will be the Jim Jones for this entire nation,
unless rational, right thinking people start standing up and speaking out! Those who have pledged to follow Norquist into the jungle and drink his lethal blend of kool-aid MUST be sent packing. We need fewer ideologues, not more!!!
Something else about this Grover Norquist that I find rather interesting/confusing is the paradox of him "holding hands" with the likes of Michele Bachmann and other anti-gay, social conservatives, yet at the same time joining the advisory council of the homosexual advocacy group, GOProud.

Perhaps Michele's hubby,
Sweet Marcus, will
counsel ol' Grover about the evils of pillow biting and pickle kissing... probably in a cheap Crystal City motel room out on
Route 1.
These people have serious, serious mental issues!