This is a fact:yesyes:
Neither do tax hikes.
Neither do tax hikes.
Bush tax cuts worked out fine. I got to keep more of my hard earned money and I spent it. That created more demand and required more hiring to keep up with it. Of course it created jobs. Tax cuts increasing demand is one of the provable economic certainties.
Two recessions during the span that the Dubya tax cuts went into effect. Two of them. One of them remarkably staggering.
I have asked this many times, and have yet to get a satisfactory answer: If the Trickle Down Theory works (and that is all Dubya's cuts were) - why did we suffer through two recessions?
Sure they work, if I was a businessman worth a mere couple a million and I was contemplating hiring one or more additional employees, I would sure review my numbers first before taking on additional risk(s).
Dayom! Do you know how expensive it is to support employees these days?
Fiat currency is dumb, but seemingly necessary right now...
Bush tax cuts worked out fine. I got to keep more of my hard earned money and I spent it. That created more demand and required more hiring to keep up with it. Of course it created jobs. Tax cuts increasing demand is one of the provable economic certainties.
I have asked this many times, and have yet to get a satisfactory answer: If the Trickle Down Theory works (and that is all Dubya's cuts were) - why did we suffer through two recessions?
I can't see how now is the time to be contemplating tax cuts. I think Ike's comments are pretty good ones.
I can't see how now is the time to be contemplating tax cuts. I think Ike's comments are pretty good ones.