
If you have them what do you think about the pain and what it felt like? I'm going to get one on upper arm. Recommend anyone in NYC?:thumbsup:
Well it all depends on the your ability to handle pain. If your tattooist is good you won't mind it, but if the guy is boring and not very good you will probably concentrate on the needle poking through your skin over and over and over and over again. I went with a friend for our first tattoo's and he went first, the dude faints. Im next and scared out of my mind, having second thoughts because of what has transpired. I suck it up and get it done, no problem whatsoever. After I kick my buddy in the face with my foot for being such a pussy.
Yeah, I have 3 tattoos. On my chest and on my left upper shoulder. Did it hurt? Well, yeah. Think about it - there's a needle going in and out of your skin many times per second. But it's not an excruciating pain - more of an annoying pain. It's a little hard to describe - almost feels like something hot in a tiny area. And it gets better after a couple of minutes - endorphins start activating and it gets easier to take. And the tattoo artist has a lot to do with how you handle it - if he/she talks with you to give you something else to think about, that helps.

Go for it if it's something you want - but make sure. It is permanent, mostly. Yeah, they can be removed by laser, but I've heard that's more painful than the tattoo itself.

:2 cents:


It hurts a bit, but you can deal with it.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Its really not that bad at all, just like a burning/scratching feeling. If it's something you really want, you kind of block out the pain from the adrenaline rush. It mostly hurts on sensitive areas like under arm. Ask for an artist with a 'light hand', cause some tattoo artists are full on heavy handed.


Official Checked Star Member
I think the level of pain depends on your pain threshold and also what body part is being tattooed. I have quite a bit of tattoo work done, and the stuff done on my back and pelvis didn't hurt that bad, but up around my ribcage killed. Not too sure how bad an arm would be but don't expect it to tickle. :p