:lovecoupl I have 5 tattoos....front lower hip, back right hip, inner wrist, neck, and left shoulder blade...
every now and again (liek when i had to interview for school) i regret the one on my wrist...my favorite is the one right below (and to the side) of my belly button.
I also have my nose, tongue, belly button and ears pierced...i like them cuz if i have to take them out to look "grown up"..i can..and its easy. I LOVE having super sensitive feeling in my nipples..so..those arent pierced. and no ones taking a needle ANYWHERE below my naval without first drugging me hardcore ;P
So...I know a lotta guys dont like tattoos....but they still tell me Im cute...and thats the way it should go right?! Lookit the girl..not the tattoos