If I had a problem with tattoos or people who wear them, I'd have several big problems with my fiancée, which would make me damn stupid, because she's one of the hardest-working, most respected, most beautiful and most intelligent people I know. So, eat it, haters!
Of course there are always those tattoos, that seem out of place, but that's a matter of taste. Whoever has such a tattoo probably had something in mind when he/she had it done. And I also think, that getting a tattoo should be an individual (or personal) and well thought out decision (if you're not Yakuza or something like that
I feel sad however for those people who went to the wrong tattoo "artist" and now have a tattoo that looks really rotten. Especially if you can't cover it up with a better one.
You have to keep in mind however, that where I come from most of my generation considers it backwards thinking if you despise someone because he/she has a tattoo. In my generation, I even know some bankers, lawyers and physicians who have tattoos. Of course not on their foreheads, but still.