Tatto question

I plan on getting a tattoo of a goldfish on my forehead when I'm old and dying. That will be my final act.

How about if your 90 get a big piece of shit coming out of your mouth which then raps around your head and ends on your forehead, with other little bits of shit broken off dotted around your face, that would be awesome.

Kids will already be calling you shit head when your 90 so why no give in to them :dunno:


Closed Account
^ That sounds awesome. I'll add the goldfish into it some how.

Maybe it could be shitting into my mouth?

What the fuck am I talking about?
I want to get a tattoo some day, im just not sure what or where so until i ever figure out what i want and where i wont think about it. If a tattoo is done right then it can look really good, but if you get a tattoo that fucks up then youve gotta put up with that for the rest of your life.
I like a few tatoos here and there. I personally don't have any due to a skin condition. But I was disappointed to see that Tera Patrick had gotten a sleeve done on her arm. Whatever's whatever but I don't think people where jerking off to her tatoos, I know I wasn't. On the other hand I have been a fan of Sophia Santi for a while now and she of course has this huge tat covering her entire back and she and it looks gorgeous. So I guess it's on a case by case thing with me.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Tattoos are low rent, can't convince me otherwise. Not that any of you with tattoos care.

You're right...because I have several, and I'm working on the sleeves, and I don't particularly consider myself to be low rent. Of course you wouldn't know that, unless you sat down with me, had a few drinks, and got to know who I was as a person. I would also like to point out, there is no difference between judging someone with tattoo's, without knowing them, or a person of a different race, without actually taking time to get to know them. Notice how my logic, and insightful. rational thinking, CLEARLY shows my....mid rent status. By the way, I just got 3 tattoo's yesterday. One around each wrist (bracelets mad of skulls), and the initial of my wife's first name, on my ring finger (I don't wear my wedding band).
If I had a problem with tattoos or people who wear them, I'd have several big problems with my fiancée, which would make me damn stupid, because she's one of the hardest-working, most respected, most beautiful and most intelligent people I know. So, eat it, haters! :D

Of course there are always those tattoos, that seem out of place, but that's a matter of taste. Whoever has such a tattoo probably had something in mind when he/she had it done. And I also think, that getting a tattoo should be an individual (or personal) and well thought out decision (if you're not Yakuza or something like that ;)).
I feel sad however for those people who went to the wrong tattoo "artist" and now have a tattoo that looks really rotten. Especially if you can't cover it up with a better one.

You have to keep in mind however, that where I come from most of my generation considers it backwards thinking if you despise someone because he/she has a tattoo. In my generation, I even know some bankers, lawyers and physicians who have tattoos. Of course not on their foreheads, but still.