That's not a bad idea. :1orglaugh They would just have to admit the suck so badly that they might as well run on every play. That way they would even have virtually an extra blocker on each play also.
Of course they would have to go up against the other teams defense and not the special teams so it probably wouldn't work, but it would be interesting to go back to the pre forward pass days just for old times sake.
The opposing teams would probably have to come up with some new special teams or defense to combat this new Hester offensive. But It could work. Think about it.
Hester has touched the ball, what 2 dozen times all year, and he's got 2 TD returns and one wrongly called back. Just think how many TD's he'd have a game if he touched the ball as much as the QB.
You just line up the offensive line and receivers in a typical punt return formation, stick Hester far enough back, 20 yards or more to give him room to see his alleys, snap him the ball on every down, and he'll score 6 to 7 TDs a game! And that's not even counting all the field goals we'll get out of it!