Talking a girl into doing porn

Alright so I realized a little while ago that I should be making porn. Not as a performer but behind the camera.
Hold on, hear me out.

I am a filmmaker and a porn lover and thought one day, 'Why don't I combine my two loves?" My friend even asked me a couple days later out of the blue "Why aren't you making porn?" And others asked at later times things like "When's your first porn coming out?"

I even signed up for "porn school" two months back. Long story short, it fell through.

Getting to the point:

There's this girl I went to high school with but we were never really friends or anything. She was one of the hot chicks and one day for some reason she pulled me aside and showed me a picture of her in a bikini (This was before the days of digital camera saturation and self-pics.) So nearly five years have gone by since we graduated and she popped in my head one day so I added her on Facebook (weird, I know.) She added me and said she remembered me. To my delight she somehow got even hotter in every way. I mean she is just absolutely smoking hot.
One day she was in my news feed and when I saw her picture I said to myself "Why isn't she doing porn?" She was a model at one point and isn't afraid to be photographed in a bikini or low-cut top (as evidenced by her FB photos.) This girl could be a gazillionaire doing porn!
So my question to you is: How do I approach her to make a porn? Nothing fancy. Just solo.

I intend to be very professional and not seem like a creeper but how exactly do I do that?:rofl:

I know this all sounds very funny and odd but any advise would be greatly appreciated.



well, you could just be like, "mom? can i ask you something? you know you look really hot in a bikini, right? well, i was thinking you'd look even hotter without it... "
make sure you tape the entire conversation, for a possible "making of" video as a bonus on the DVD.
Tell her you have a project that you are looking for a model for. Explain the project and if she is interested she will tell you.

I was going to say something very similar. Ask her don't try to convince her. Hell if she dosen't want to... always other lovelys out there that will do it.
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Unless your really know a person very well and know how she's going to react I wouldn't bother. In fact if anything you should have people come up to you not vice versa, especially if you‘re not well known in that type of work. I could also tell you the profession you want to get into is one that's incredibly difficult to have any success with outside of extreme luck, especially as of right now, and if you want to do things like that in any non-half assed way it takes a lot of time, money, resources, legal knowledge, connections, usually years of knowing the right people, and a good amount of know how.

You really shouldn't get your hopes up with this. Going from showing a select number of people a picture of oneself in a bikini or low cut top is a enormous difference away from doing porn. Also even if it's not what you want be ready to be seen as the "creepy guy" by that person and distanced away from. There is only so much you can spin asking something like that.
This girl could be a gazillionaire doing porn!

Not to be a Negative Nancy or anything, but you do realize that: A) Nobody gets rich starring in porn, and B) The porn world is crawling with smoking hot, gorgeous women already, don't you? Jenna Jameson is an exception to the rule when it comes to making it big. Most of these girls make a modest to decent living, but gazillionaire? Not so much. And just being gorgeous isn't enough anymore. It doesn't matter how great she looks, if she's a dead fish in the sack, nobody will care.

By all means, pursue your passion here. I think it's great. Just make sure that your expectations and aspirations still dwell within the realm of reality, especially before you go making promises to unsuspecting potential talent. Over-promising and under-delivering is a good way to get bit in the ass, and not in the good way.
Oh yeah, I totally realize that I am exaggerating. I'm just saying that this girl should be in porn and I would love to shoot it.
And yes I realize that I have a slim chance of making a significant amount of money or even being successful in any vein.
My hopes aren't up but it would nice to realize the dream.


My Penis Is Dancing!
One should also remember that, just because a woman is good looking and even does modeling does not automatically mean she wants to be in porn.
Not to be a Negative Nancy or anything, but you do realize that: A) Nobody gets rich starring in porn, and B) The porn world is crawling with smoking hot, gorgeous women already, don't you? Jenna Jameson is an exception to the rule when it comes to making it big. Most of these girls make a modest to decent living, but gazillionaire? Not so much. And just being gorgeous isn't enough anymore. It doesn't matter how great she looks, if she's a dead fish in the sack, nobody will care.

By all means, pursue your passion here. I think it's great. Just make sure that your expectations and aspirations still dwell within the realm of reality, especially before you go making promises to unsuspecting potential talent. Over-promising and under-delivering is a good way to get bit in the ass, and not in the good way.

Couldn't have put it better myself!


Member, you member...
It seems like the old Seymore Butts reality show - he got so many different reactions when he told people what he did - mainly scowls from the ladies.
Advertise in the adults only sections of indy newspapers in your area or maybe craigslist if they still have that section.
Consult a lawyer for the legal stuff you'll need and good luck.
Oh, it won't hurt to move to Cali and contact a modeling agency that deals with adult models.
As for the gal in question, tell her what you want to do, but don't ask her to do it - if she's interested, she'll let you know.
Folks I have been trying to shoot a sex video of myself with a girl for years and the closest I have got was getting a picture of of girls nakid.... All the best!!
So my question to you is: How do I approach her to make a porn? Nothing fancy. Just solo.

Casually tell her that you do nude film/photography on the side to she how she reacts, but be upfront. If she is interested, she will let you know and you better have a solid business plan as to how you will market her professionally on the web. You won't be a gazilionaire, but If she is as hot as you say she is, together both of you can make some decent cash. Beautiful hot smoking girls are a dime a dozen on the web, what niche are you trying to exploit?
Well for one, I wouldn't call it porn. The word has a negative connotation for some folks so I wouldn't lead in with it. Also, if she seems responsive or curious as to what you plan for her you can show some pics, naturally they need to be tasteful so no extreme close-ups of the vagina and of giant dildos. But in reality, it'll be a hard sell as you really don't know this person that well and if you're interested in it I'd probably go the model route and find a girl who actually does this for a living.