Re: FTV Victoria / Talia Sheppard / Shepard
In advance, sorry for the long ass post.
Some things being said here are borderline ignorant. It's kind of sad to see. I don't know why models don't post here? I mean, what could be the reason? So many nice people. This is exactly why most models do not post in public forums. Trolls and negative comments etc. They deal with enough on a day to day basis without having to deal with some armchair quarterback that thinks he's knowledgeable on an industry because he's joined a site or two.
Let's clear up some things up. Sorry if I seem like an asshole but seriously, some of these people think they're professors of porn and they think they understand why a girl does something when in reality, they're grasping at straws. They like to think they know what sells and why it sells and what someone has to do if they get boobs. The things these guys have said couldn't be more inaccurate, so time to set the story straight.
I'll touch on some things once, being that I am close to the fire, I know why things happened so I am not speaking from a place of opinion, I am speaking from a place of fact. My apologies to those that can't or won't digest this. After this I'll just start asking the mods to remove the trolls one by one if they continue trolling.
1) Talia got her boobs because she wanted to. She planned this for four years. She made a youtube video detailing this, words from her mouth. Pretty hard to take that and twist it into what you think happened, but it hasn't stopped some of you. haha Kind of amusing watching how some of you post these long winded replies, it's like you're adding 99% fiction to what's happened and trying to pass it off as fact. It's crazy, but entertaining.
2) She didn't need them, she was perfect before. She
WANTED THEM though so got them, what is the problem? If you like what she did, keep being a fan, if you don't, take your appreciation elsewhere. Pretty easy to grasp, no? What do you gain by staying in here and being negative other than painting a rather decent bullseye on your back for mods to ban you from FreeOnes for being a troll? Posting your opinion doesn't make you a troll, being insulting and mean and continually posting negativity does.
Freeones removes trolls.
3) Nobody said you need to get fake boobs to make money. What was said and what is true is that the girls with larger breasts outsell the girls with natural. 9 out of 10 times, this is fact. There are exceptions to the rule, one or two girls, yes.. but on the whole, this is an across the board thing. You might not like it, but there is a reason the vast majority of the girls in the biz get their boobs changed. Most don't like what they had so they make a change. Do some women get bigger boobs as purely a business decision? I'm sure some do this, sure. Do the girl's check's increase after doing this? Yes, substantially.
Saying a girl getting boobs makes her look like everyone else is stupid. Sorry to be blunt. Think about it, she had boobs before, did she look like everyone then? Sure, at least 51% of the population. Oh snap, she has dark hair, I can't tell her apart from other girls with dark hair. See where I'm going with this? Girls still look unique, some are hot, some are not. Some have great boobs, some don't, this could go on and on and on.. I think you get the point.
Those of you thinking you understand sales and the way the biz works, I'm sorry but you don't. I have been in the game 13 years now. i have worked with girls that are a cup straight through GG. If you think the girls with a b cup or c cup sell anywhere near close to girls with D, DD and above this, you'd be delusional to think this. I get you want it to be true, but this doesn't make it true.
Bigger boobs outsell smaller. Always have, always will. I didn't say FAKE. I said bigger. If a girl gets bigger fake, will she outsell herself before? Depends on if she got a good boob job to be blunt.
Not going into numbers because it doesn't matter but to illustrate my point, yesterday was the
FIRST day Talia's site was live with big boobed content, that had been given to affiliates to promote her. Meaning, yesterday was the first day where we'd see any change in sales if there was a change in sales. She did more memberships yesterday in
ONE day, then she had previously in any one week
in her entire career.
Keep telling me she needs to do this or that, or that she's killed her career and I'll kindly point the orderly in your direction with your meds. As I said, regardless of what I or you or he or she thinks, big boobs outsell smaller, every day of the week. We live in a society where bigger is better, not sure why, talk to your econ prof about this if needed.
I am not saying fake or bigger is right, or it's better, or anything for that mater but you need to respect it is a woman's right to chose what she does with her own body. She made her decision, and it doesn't matter what you or me or anyone else thinks about it.
Feel free to keep going on and on bitching, but I'd urge you.. if you're no longer a fan, take yourself to other threads where you are a fan. Being negative and disruptive doesn't add anything to this, you know it and I know it. Sure you might feel like you've been heard but it doesn't change anything other than make a model
(and other models reading this thread I might add) more sure that posting in these very forums is not only stupid, it's also the easiest way to ruin their day.
I guess what i am trying to say, try thinking about someone other than yourself for a moment before you post.
My apologies to those that have had to keep reading this bitchfest. I am sorry if I seem like an asshole, but you can't please everyone. My first priority is and always has been and always will be the girl's happiness. If you are a fan, there is a ton of fresh content coming, we have been shooting all week and we're only on day 4/7.
There will always be haters, but haters make you famous... they are elevating her career by hating her. It's so weird, they want to hurt her and yet, they end up helping her.. so thanks!
As for the fans of myself, haha, grow a pair already. (j/k) I'm just a guy with a camera and if you had the chance to be here, you would. Then it'd be me bitching at you instead. We all have an opinion, we all want to be heard. Keep on hatin' though. I must be doing something though if you even know who the fuck I am.. kind of amusing.