Take that, hippies!!!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I occasionally stop eating meat for a few weeks at a time just so I can more thoroughly enjoy tearing into a steak. Absence makes the heart grow fond, or stomach for that matter. Sometimes I just get a craving for a nicely grilled porterhouse.

For those vegetarians and vegans, God bless your little hearts. You get to feel that undeserved sense of superiority that so many of us struggle to acquire on a daily basis.

I recall a story from a few years ago about a mother who had her kid or kids prosecuted for neglect when her eight or nine year old kid was thirty pounds underweight because the mother wasn't ensuring the kid had proper nutrition.

I remember being outraged at the lack of awareness she possessed and that she was more concerned about the kid's diet being compromised by a foster family than his/her overall well being. I'll look for it. Or I'm sure someone else will find it pretty quickly.
Their doesnt need to be a study to know that you cant get all your nutrients from just vegetables.
Here are two excerpts:

"Ants from the smaller super-colonies were always aggressive to one another. So ants from the west coast of Japan fought their rivals from Kobe, while ants from the European super-colony didn't get on with those from the Iberian colony."

"The most plausible explanation is that ants from these three super-colonies are indeed family, and are all genetically related, say the researchers. When they come into contact, they recognise each other by the chemical composition of their cuticles."

From this article:


I didn't even bother looking to see if it had been posted as Minidog usually jumps to it first.

I know people are advanced. I don't have to read your post and then think 'ohmigosh, what a big mistake I've made'. :D

I even said the same thing some time ago here.

Many individuals that post here seem well versed in a library full of poetry, artists, political discourse, science, philosophy, you name it. They have read thousands of authors and quote all kinds of well known or obscure lines. They are experts in photoshop, various other software packages, computer code, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

I don't even know who Svengali is.

It is amazing.

Quite honestly I don't know how anyone remembers all this stuff much less finds time to look at. Especially when you consider the amount of picture links that are posted daily like chips off a conveyer belt.

They must listen to hip hop on one hi fi while playing Rachmaninov through another, have a poetry book open on one desk with some text from George Washington open on another, all the while hunting through the internet for Nina Mercedez pics posted 5 minutes ago. Gee wow.


I get that everyone on this board is a genius. Really :hatsoff:

I am just saying, you know, veggies aren't all that bad. Even though my mother made me eat brussels sprouts, I still eat them.


Thanks for enjoying the smiley.

In general terms I would say some combination of formal education, outgoing lifestyle and varied life experience should produce a certain amount of worldliness in anyone IMO. I would add, while learning is a form of remembering...they are not one and the same. Some people strive to learn from their experiences as opposed to merely remembering.

BTW, Svengali was a character in the George Du Maurier's novel "Trilby". In short the character was a spellbinder... The name Svengali over the years has become almost euphemistic for hypnotist or spellbinder.

I also love fruits and veggies too....I just think meat is important to my diet as well.
I think human beings are hunter/gatherers by nature, by evolution, and even in religion (Jesus and those fishes).

It's not healthy to remove one component in the hunter/gatherer equation completely.

I wonder if Steve Jobs's liver transplant had something to do with his Veganism....:dunno:


Haha, the girl I like doesn't enjoy eating meat. I have to give her a special blend of my liquid. ;)
If we're not supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat? :dunno:
I love how most "meat-eaters" thump their chest and call vegetarians pussies. That's fucking stupid. I know vegetarians and vegans you wouldn't dare call a pussy. What is also funny is when those same tough "meat-eaters" go to the grocery store to by their already killed food. "Meat-eaters" are so tough. :1orglaugh

Unless you are hunting your own food, shut the fuck up. You're just as much of a pussy as the guy you are making fun of.

And vegetarians need to learn to shut the fuck up too. You don't eat meat? That's great. Don't try and guilt me because I like chicken. A lot of them seem to suffer from the same complex as a lot of religious people. If you don't think like them, they will give you a hard time about it.

It's a personal choice. You made yours, they made theirs. Deal with it and mind your own fuckin business.


Closed Account
Ah gee. I've just had dinner, now I'm hungry again. Funny how I always drool when walking past the meat section. Gross. So primitive. I'm trying to be ascended here.

Meat's just too darn expensive. I like salad. Thing is, by the time I have munched through a whole plate of that, I'm usually only hungry the next day.

Wouldn't mind a big juicy steak now though. The one that is grilled.

I do like a good fish. I also eat eggs and chicken. I never saw the point of being preachy about one's diet.

I think the issue for me has just been that there are too many people now to sustain that sort of farming nowadays.

I think if I do enjoy a meat meal, it will rather be in a good restaurant, with a nice Merlot. If you are going to spend, then spend.