Take that, hippies!!!

Thank fuck. I used to live with two vegetarians and two vegans, and God damn it, I need dead animals in my diet.


Personally dont care what others eat, so long as it isnt monkey brains in front of me.
Not surprised, after all we're made to eat meat. We've got teeth specifically designed for tearing meat from bones.

that comment made me think of the caveman days back when life was simple and gas was cheap lol
Not surprised, after all we're made to eat meat. We've got teeth specifically designed for tearing meat from bones.

Not to mention that the human body can't actual digest cellulose, so plant matter is pretty much meant for roughage so we can shit the meat we're built to chow down on.
Not surprised, after all we're made to eat meat. We've got teeth specifically designed for tearing meat from bones.

Well the better case to be made is our energy and nutritional requirements/caloric uptake for physical, psychological and social function is the determining factor for the kind of diet we have (carnivore, omnivore, herbivore, etc.).

We are the most advanced species on the planet and the array of different nutrients we must get in usable amounts in order to support not only our physical activity, but brain function (mood, complex problem solving, etc.) make it all but obvious that humans (if no other species) were designed to be omnivores.

Without such a diet, humans would not be what we are today IMO.
Hash Brownies are still good though!!! After a huge Filet Mignon dinner.

Hippies are vegans these days???


Closed Account
SYDNEY (AFP) – People who live on vegetarian diets have slightly weaker bones than their meat-eating counterparts, Australian researchers said Thursday.

There was "practically no difference" between the bones of meat-eaters and ovolactovegetarians, who excluded meat and seafood but ate eggs and dairy products, he said.

"But the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant," he added.

Read the frelling article.

Meat eaters like to stand roar on forums while pounding their chests, telling the world at large how more superior they are.

Vetgetarians like to dissuade people from slaughtering millions of animals, devouring huge tracts of grassland, pushing up oil prices, increasing carbon output.

So they both have their opinion. Get over it already.

Just because you rip into a dead carcass at the dinner table - assuming you have a dinner table - does this now make you a rocket scientist, a great contributor to the general welfare of mankind, capable of great feats of imagination and noteworthy accomplishments? Pleeeze.Our great and mighty meat eaters are busy cramming beef and lamb and chicken into their mouths, oblivious to and uncaring about the consequences, while probably going out to suck on tobacco, saying "Ah, that was a good meal".
This then defeats the whole purpose.

As for being the most advanced species on the planet.

If what we are is advanced, then really, I hate to see what backward is.

Did you know that an Argentine ant from a super colony of ants from, say, the West US coast, instantly recognises and befriends an Argentine ant from a super colony from Japan? How is that for advanced.

They cover almost every square inch of the planet's land mass btw.
Actually, in my experience of knowing around a score of vegetarians and vegans, they're the ones who roar about superiority. I just like to cook and eat whatever food I find tasty and enjoyable to eat, without imposing my views on anyone else, but if I have to listen to another rant about how it's "morally wrong" or "stupid" to eat meat or dairy, I will cook and eat a small child to prove a point. I've never once tried to convert a vegetarian/vegan, but I can't say the same in reverse.


Closed Account
Funny when people know a way of doing things that might actually save lives, they are invariably accused of 'preaching', 'lecturing' and thinking they are morally superior. The moment someone opens their mouth to help someone, they are told to shut up. It isn't just for the vegetarians benefit that they go on about not eating meat, it is for everyone's benefit.

Curse all you want it doesn't change a thing.

"If yer don't eat yer meat, yer can't have any pudding. How can you have any pudding if yer don't eat yer meat?"


eat only vegetables
eat only vegetables
eat only vegetables
eat only vegetables
eat only vegetables
Funny when people know a way of doing things that might actually save lives, they are invariably accused of 'preaching', 'lecturing' and thinking they are morally superior. The moment someone opens their mouth to help someone, they are told to shut up. It isn't just for the vegetarians benefit that they go on about not eating meat, it is for everyone's benefit.

Curse all you want it doesn't change a thing.

Rightio, head down to the third world and take their cattle, see how many lives it saves.
It's not about 'preaching', it's about minding your own business and not others. I don't impose my meat-is-tasty views on those who disagree, but I am not shown the same respect by vegans and vegetarians, who have on dozens of occasions hassled, lectured, yelled at and meddled with me for daring to eat some bacon. I'm accomodating in my cooking - if I make something I think I won't finish, I try to make it vegan so my flatmates can chow down too. Still, the scorn and derision the meat-free community seem to heap our way is akin to bible-thumping door-to-door evangelists (don't even get me started on the guy with the megaphone round these parts...), and is frankly irritating. It's my own business what I put in my tummy, and I will not be accused of being morally bankrupt because I eat something I have naturally evolved to eat.
SYDNEY (AFP) – People who live on vegetarian diets have slightly weaker bones than their meat-eating counterparts, Australian researchers said Thursday.

There was "practically no difference" between the bones of meat-eaters and ovolactovegetarians, who excluded meat and seafood but ate eggs and dairy products, he said.

"But the magnitude of the association is clinically insignificant," he added.

Read the frelling article.

Meat eaters like to stand roar on forums while pounding their chests, telling the world at large how more superior they are.

Vetgetarians like to dissuade people from slaughtering millions of animals, devouring huge tracts of grassland, pushing up oil prices, increasing carbon output.

So they both have their opinion. Get over it already.

Just because you rip into a dead carcass at the dinner table - assuming you have a dinner table - does this now make you a rocket scientist, a great contributor to the general welfare of mankind, capable of great feats of imagination and noteworthy accomplishments? Pleeeze.Our great and mighty meat eaters are busy cramming beef and lamb and chicken into their mouths, oblivious to and uncaring about the consequences, while probably going out to suck on tobacco, saying "Ah, that was a good meal".
This then defeats the whole purpose.

As for being the most advanced species on the planet.

If what we are is advanced, then really, I hate to see what backward is.

Did you know that an Argentine ant from a super colony of ants from, say, the West US coast, instantly recognises and befriends an Argentine ant from a super colony from Japan? How is that for advanced.

They cover almost every square inch of the planet's land mass btw.

You're not really going to challenge the notion that human beings are the most advanced species on this planet are you?

Even if the assertion is that some other species can do things and exist in environments we can't. We are able through superior intellect to take to the air, the oceans and even space. Allowing us to study and conquer domains no other species on this planet could independently conquer themselves.

So ants can recognize ants from around the world. We can't? We don't instantly recognize other humans from around the world by their physical features and the languages they speak?

The funniest part is that is was a human who told you that these various ants could even do that.:1orglaugh

BTW, cool Svengali-like smiley.


Closed Account
Here are two excerpts:

"Ants from the smaller super-colonies were always aggressive to one another. So ants from the west coast of Japan fought their rivals from Kobe, while ants from the European super-colony didn't get on with those from the Iberian colony."

"The most plausible explanation is that ants from these three super-colonies are indeed family, and are all genetically related, say the researchers. When they come into contact, they recognise each other by the chemical composition of their cuticles."

From this article:


I didn't even bother looking to see if it had been posted as Minidog usually jumps to it first.

I know people are advanced. I don't have to read your post and then think 'ohmigosh, what a big mistake I've made'. :D

I even said the same thing some time ago here.

Many individuals that post here seem well versed in a library full of poetry, artists, political discourse, science, philosophy, you name it. They have read thousands of authors and quote all kinds of well known or obscure lines. They are experts in photoshop, various other software packages, computer code, etc etc etc etc etc etc etc.

I don't even know who Svengali is.

It is amazing.

Quite honestly I don't know how anyone remembers all this stuff much less finds time to look at. Especially when you consider the amount of picture links that are posted daily like chips off a conveyer belt.

They must listen to hip hop on one hi fi while playing Rachmaninov through another, have a poetry book open on one desk with some text from George Washington open on another, all the while hunting through the internet for Nina Mercedez pics posted 5 minutes ago. Gee wow.


I get that everyone on this board is a genius. Really :hatsoff:

I am just saying, you know, veggies aren't all that bad. Even though my mother made me eat brussels sprouts, I still eat them.


Thanks for enjoying the smiley.