Taco Bell Sells Horsemeat

Shark, Gator, Rattlesnake, Boar, Bear, Squirrel, Racoon, rabbit, deer.

Not much that grows in the south that I haven't tried. (way too many hunter friends). Wild Boar is my favorite, especially slow smoked for a long time.

Meat is meat, like Alisa said, just don't lie what kind of meat it is. Hell, a good cook can pass ground turkey off as beef if done right.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Ever tried horse steak? That is delicious meat!

Just do not think about Black Beauty when you see your plate :p


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I didn't see "horse" anywhere in the article, or any of the many and sundry links the article contained. Never the less I guess the old gray mare ain't what she used to be.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I don't think they're selling horse meat for consumers to buy. Most likely it's a soy by-product. People should eat more soy. Some southeast Asian countries sell and eat dog and cat.

And our own government rounds up the American Mustang and has them slaughtered. People's priorities are in the wrong damn place. They're upset at Taco bell? You don't like it, don't eat it. How about taking back control from the f'ing gas companies. (BTW we don't get oil from Lybia...)

you've eaten shark before, how is it? does it taste good

It depends on how it's cooked. When I ate it at a restaurant it was amazing. I'm not sure how to describe it though. When my mom tried to cook it VV is right it kinda did tasted like newspaper.

Woof woof?

I've heard it tastes like newspaper.

I couldn't eat dog I don't think or cat for that matter they are pets to me not food.
It depends on how it's cooked. When I ate it at a restaurant it was amazing. I'm not sure how to describe it though. When my mom tried to cook it VV is right it kinda did tasted like newspaper.

I couldn't eat dog I don't think or cat for that matter they are pets to me not food.

that sounds interesting, i've never had newspaper before. lol

I agree with you i couldn't eat dog or Definetly cat. there pets not food.
I could give two shits where taco bell gets there meat from--which is appropriate because that is the number of tries it will take to rid my system of their food. Either way, I could care less. Give me a baja chalupa, beef & potato burrito, grilled stuffed burrito, and a crunch wrap and I'm a happy camper. I wouldn't care if the meat came from newly-executed death-row inmates, I'd still eat it.
It depends on how it's cooked. When I ate it at a restaurant it was amazing. I'm not sure how to describe it though. When my mom tried to cook it VV is right it kinda did tasted like newspaper.

Not sure if you're talking about Thresher but I've had it and texture-wise it's like a combination of tuna steak and tender beef. The flavor is okay depending but I like it.

Re T/B and horsemeat; It could be worse. Just be thankful they haven't found a way to disguise horseshit and sell it.:o


knows petras secret: she farted.
ive had shark loads of time. once upon a time, i was a commercial fisherman.

shark can be good. depending on which kind. thresher is the most popular but usually its mako under a different name. still, when fresh its good. and because the demands is low, its pretty sustainable. its really only someone who lives on the coast sees.

basically, its the steak of fish. very firm.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I could give two shits where taco bell gets there meat from--which is appropriate because that is the number of tries it will take to rid my system of their food.

A man after my own heart.

Seriously folks:

Looks pretty damn
tasty to me!

People eat hotdogs (i.e. pig assholes) and never blink.

Or in the immortal words of In-4-mant:

Give me a baja chalupa, beef & potato burrito, grilled stuffed burrito, and a crunch wrap and I'm a happy camper— I wouldn't care if the meat came from newly-executed death-row inmates!

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I agree with you i couldn't eat dog or cat. They're pets not food.

Until the shit really hits the fan. Then then just become a meal-in-waiting.

(The dog might actually have a chance b/c they help you hunt other humans
for meat, but the cat? Forget about it. It's dinner.)

Until the shit really hits the fan. Then then just become a meal-in-waiting.

(The dog might actually have a chance b/c they help you hunt other humans
for meat, but the cat? Forget about it. It's dinner.)

i've never liked dogs but i love cats(No Im not gay)