Taco Bell Sells Horsemeat

thats messed up!
Yay dogfood!
how about cat food!


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Where was the line actually saying, scientifically proven, "horsemeat..."

Besides they're not the first, go look in McDonalds Kitchen and have a trashcan ready to throw up in.
Meh. People blindly go into many restaurants and eat willingly. Boo-hoo. People are duped into eating a lot of crap.


Christa Omalley RN
I'm not 18 anymore yuk!
This is unbelievable! Next thing you know, we'll see tell all story about how Taco Bell doesn't serve "authentic" Mexican food! I'm outraged! How could TB deceive us in such a way?!?!

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Nothing wrong with horsemeat!
People still eat fast food? Meh, who am I to judge.....I drink and smoke cigarettes, and yet I won't go near fast food.....to each his own I guess.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I'd happily eat horsemeat to try it - IF they'd been honest about what it was.
As it is, they're lying to the customers, I hope they get closed down and whoever's responsible never gets another job.

More likely the guy will be hired to a subsiduary and given a raise tho. Gotta love Capitalism.
So it's meat. People eat squirrel.(I've been told its really good.) I've eaten shark steaks, ostrich, wild bore, buffalo. Meat is meat as long as I'm not lied too about it I'll try just about any food.


Lord Dipstick
IDGAF.....It's the best!:drool2:


My Penis Is Dancing!
Hell, I also think they should embrace the "we give you cheep meat, deal with it" motto.

Taco Bell: We just pissed in your supper. Enjoy!
So it's meat. People eat squirrel.(I've been told its really good.) I've eaten shark steaks, ostrich, wild bore, buffalo. Meat is meat as long as I'm not lied too about it I'll try just about any food.

you've eaten shark before, how is it? does it taste good