Sybian Blonde Orgasm

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it says that her name is Twin. which is so hard to find online. i tried ask jolene and came up with squat. but noticing that it says "twin" as a name might be a good lead.

I dont think she's one of the Milton's. They dont have the resemblance to Sally Fields that this sybian girl has. If you get leads in that direction let me know, thank you!


Caroline? there is a definite resemblance. i will pursue this further.
thanks for the lead bipolar!!!!
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i also discovered that she is polish!

oops. link wont work. i forgot about the rules in my excitement. WELL it's a simple google away now that we know some of her identity.

hmm i found another page just like the first with slight adjustments... but same vids :/

im still searching.
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unfortunately no bipolar, but i can give you an over all of where we stand on finding this girl so you can do some searching :)

her name, or alias, is Caroline. That is the name she is reported under in her Sybian scene in CD girls. She is polish or czech, blonde, and has done two scene to our knowledge: the link given at start of this thread, and the one featured in the cucumbersex link.

she also is named as Twin in the first link provided here, but i havnt gotten any leads in that direction.

she obviously orgasms very intensely, so that could be a point to which she will advertise and preform.

otherwise, we are somewhat stuck. Im searching hard and keeping up the search. Your bumps are much appreciated!