*****swine flu vaccine dangerous!!!*****

Let's be clear about this-nothing in this life or on this planet is safe.There's a risk attached to everything and all you can do is to judge whataction makes sense and what doesn't.Overall, vaccination is a good thing but to a given individual it might be a disaster.Who knows?
As for squalene, it's found in the human body. Watchmakers use it as a lubricant and obtain it by rubbing the sides of their noses.
Legal Immunity for Swine Flu Vaccine Makers???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Your immune system recognizes squalene as an oil molecule native to your body. It is found throughout your nervous system and brain. In fact, you can consume squalene in olive oil and not only will your immune system recognize it, you will also reap the benefits of its antioxidant properties.

The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry which incites your immune system to attack all the squalene in your body, not just the vaccine adjuvant.

Your immune system will attempt to destroy the molecule wherever it finds it, including in places where it occurs naturally, and where it is vital to the health of your nervous system.
Man what a load of pseudo-scientific crap.

"The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry"

It makes no difference. when you ingest stuff it ends up in your blood stream.

Will E Worm

Man what a load of pseudo-scientific crap.

"The difference between “good” and “bad” squalene is the route by which it enters your body. Injection is an abnormal route of entry"

It makes no difference. when you ingest stuff it ends up in your blood stream.

It does make a difference.

Ingestion is the correct method, not injection.


Closed Account
i still say people are blowing the swine flu out of proportion. it's nothing new. it's been around for years and the regular flu is still more dangerous.
^Perhaps, but it's the thought that this specific swine flu is so resilient and mutative in its capacity for contagion and death; that's the really scary part. :worried:
They think it might go loopy during the winter period here in the UK and other places yet to have their winter this year. Other countries when it first broke out were in the middle of their winter and it wasn't Armageddon time. The media is a bunch of cock whore bastards that get off on creating fear amoungst the readers of their papers and viewers of their news programmes. I think this is done so as to keep people buying news papers thus making them more money and for people to keep watching the news channels to get them more ratings.
It does make a difference.

Ingestion is the correct method, not injection.

Again how?
If anything it is better to inject stuff straight into the blood stream because with most substances the stomach breaks them down into smaller molecules therefore you do not get the intended dose.

why do you think Ingestion>Injection.
Just repeating "it is" doesn't count.
Unless you are thinking of some kind of magical new age woo.
I've had swine flu it was no big deal, like the worst cold I've ever had.
Took the tammiflu, got better, no side effects.
I've had swine flu it was no big deal, like the worst cold I've ever had.
Took the tammiflu, got better, no side effects.

Earlier this year, my brother and nieces had swine flu, didn't take the tamiflu and were all well again in a week. I then had the alleged swine flu at the end of August (although the doctors couldn't tell me the difference in my symptoms between it and "normal" flu). I felt ill for the first week (as you would), took tamiflu at 5 days of infection, felt better in 5 more days then returned to work for a week, but now I've caught a bloody cold! Sat at my desk at home right now with hanki permently on stand by :(

I'm not against tamiflu, even though my illness lasted longer than my brother's once I'd taken the vaccine, but my symptoms were lessened - so instead of one week in Hades, I had two weeks in Croydon. So you can see, not as bad as it could've been...but close.

I'm with Blu and Baill on this. There is totally too much information available on the net and this means that you will always find conflicting medical opinions.

My personal opinon - nature can no longer support the number of people living on planet earth, and so she's fighting back. The multiple versions of the common cold didn't work, so she's changed weapons and is creating multiple versions of the flu virus. Why use a spud gun, when you have nukes in the closet :D
"Pull up G13" "Cool, what does G14 do?"

Sorry, slightly off topic there, but let's think about it. If there were fewer people on the planet (I'm not talking a couple million less, I'm talking a couple billion less), would swine flu have spread as fast? No.
I'm not against tamiflu, even though my illness lasted longer than my brother's once I'd taken the vaccine

Tammiflu isn't the vaccine & it is far less effective if taken over 48hrs after the start of your illness.
it's main job is to stop you getting complications like chest infections which seems to be what is causing the most serious illnesses.

I'm with Blu and Baill on this. There is totally too much information available on the net and this means that you will always find conflicting medical opinions.

I whole-heartily agree with you on this, we must remember that lots of information from individuals, groups or websites who have scaremongering/alternative health agendas are only hear-say the safest place to get reliable information is to look for the scientific consensus which is what governments listen to.

Remember when Jenny McCarthy is harping on about injections she is happy to tell the masses that Botox is great. try googling Jenny McCarthy loves botox.