I've had swine flu it was no big deal, like the worst cold I've ever had.
Took the tammiflu, got better, no side effects.
Earlier this year, my brother and nieces had swine flu, didn't take the tamiflu and were all well again in a week. I then had the alleged swine flu at the end of August (although the doctors couldn't tell me the difference in my symptoms between it and "normal" flu). I felt ill for the first week (as you would), took tamiflu at 5 days of infection, felt better in 5 more days then returned to work for a week, but now I've caught a bloody cold! Sat at my desk at home right now with hanki permently on stand by
I'm not against tamiflu, even though my illness lasted longer than my brother's once I'd taken the vaccine, but my symptoms were lessened - so instead of one week in Hades, I had two weeks in Croydon. So you can see, not as bad as it could've been...but close.
I'm with Blu and Baill on this. There is totally too much information available on the net and this means that you will always find conflicting medical opinions.
My personal opinon - nature can no longer support the number of people living on planet earth, and so she's fighting back. The multiple versions of the common cold didn't work, so she's changed weapons and is creating multiple versions of the flu virus. Why use a spud gun, when you have nukes in the closet
"Pull up G13"
"Cool, what does G14 do?"
Sorry, slightly off topic there, but let's think about it. If there were fewer people on the planet (I'm not talking a couple million less, I'm talking a couple
billion less), would swine flu have spread as fast? No.