*****swine flu vaccine dangerous!!!*****


Why do your own research when the news has already warned us of the dangers?
Why do your own research when the news has already warned us of the dangers?

In Australia the news only reports that this vaccine is safe......there are so many people that aren't aware of the dangers and this infuriates me!!!

If your news service has warned you of the dangers that is fantastic!

More people need to know about this!!!

Will E Worm

Please tell everyone you know about this.

I've been posting on facebook, emails.....tomorrow I'm phoning my local talk radio show.

I encourage everyone who understand the dangers to help the people who are completely oblivious to the dangers!!!
NIH and the CDC don’t claim that vaccines are completely safe. If you understand the science behind how it works, you will understand tat of course it is not 100% safe, nor 100% effective. However balancing the risks and rewards, almost everyone in the Healthcare field knows that chances are you are better off taking it.

If you don’t want to take immunization shots, fine you’re entitled. But seriously, why do you think that we don’t have serious problems anymore with measles, mumps, yellow fever, small pox, bubonic plague, whooping cough, etc?
Every time I used to take the flu 'vaccine', I would acquire Flu!!! :mad:

(this was many several years ago; never will I get the shot again).
Every time I used to take the flu 'vaccine', I would acquire Flu!!! :mad:

(this was many several years ago; never will I get the shot again).

Agreed. I havnt had the flu shot since basic training 14 years ago and I have not had the flu since. Funny how I got sick as a dog that year I got the flu shot.
Agreed. I havnt had the flu shot since basic training 14 years ago and I have not had the flu since. Funny how I got sick as a dog that year I got the flu shot.

I know:thumbsup: I was told that one's immune system 'adapts' to the shot and subsequent years would entail no side-effects and no Flu. Like fuck!!! LOL.
NIH and the CDC don’t claim that vaccines are completely safe. If you understand the science behind how it works, you will understand tat of course it is not 100% safe, nor 100% effective. However balancing the risks and rewards, almost everyone in the Healthcare field knows that chances are you are better off taking it.

If you don’t want to take immunization shots, fine you’re entitled. But seriously, why do you think that we don’t have serious problems anymore with measles, mumps, yellow fever, small pox, bubonic plague, whooping cough, etc?

What most people don't understand is that the initial tests were done WITHOUT the SQUALENE that will be added when the immunization program begins. This is the danger!

Please do some research on squalene.
If you don’t want to take immunization shots, fine you’re entitled. But seriously, why do you think that we don’t have serious problems anymore with measles, mumps, yellow fever, small pox, bubonic plague, whooping cough, etc?

True, and very perceptive:thumbsup:

In many highly congested places, the association between spitting (disgusting habit!) and tuberculosis seems to be making an unpleasant come-back.
What most people don't understand is that the initial tests were done WITHOUT the SQUALENE that will be added when the immunization program begins. This is the danger!

Please do some research on squalene.

Other than Dr Tenpenny and Alex Jones who both seem to have their own agenda which seems to me to be primarily profit based, who else are you listening to when you talk about these things? Are they medical doctors with years of experience in the vaccine research field. Or are they for example dentists who have no experience at all with such matters, Dr Horowitz for example?

The reson I ask is the only information that leads me to the conclusion that squalene has any significant danger at all if from the people above and those like them. From other places, the WHO and other various medical websites I seem to get information that leads to the conclusion that there is no significant evidence to prove that it causes any significant health defects and those that believe there are, are distorting the truth with half truths and conjecture in order to further their agenda.
True, and very perceptive:thumbsup:

In many highly congested places, the association between spitting (disgusting habit!) and tuberculosis seems to be making an unpleasant come-back.

Yes, particularly in the Latin community. For a variety of reasons Hispanics are a lot less likely to be immunized in the US. Also, several states in the last few years were forced to pass TB immunization laws for prison inmates. Between Latinos and Muslims in prison, TB outbreaks were becoming a problem.

What most people don't understand is that the initial tests were done WITHOUT the SQUALENE that will be added when the immunization program begins. This is the danger!

Please do some research on squalene.

Yes, I am familiar. My mom is a specialist in communicable diseases.

It’s kind of like seat belt or motorcycle helmet laws. You can look for and find an example of where the person would have been better off if they did not have their seatbelt or helmet on, but the fast majority are better off with them on.
Other than Dr Tenpenny and Alex Jones who both seem to have their own agenda which seems to me to be primarily profit based, who else are you listening to when you talk about these things? Are they medical doctors with years of experience in the vaccine research field. Or are they for example dentists who have no experience at all with such matters, Dr Horowitz for example?

The reson I ask is the only information that leads me to the conclusion that squalene has any significant danger at all if from the people above and those like them. From other places, the WHO and other various medical websites I seem to get information that leads to the conclusion that there is no significant evidence to prove that it causes any significant health defects and those that believe there are, are distorting the truth with half truths and conjecture in order to further their agenda.


http://drtenpenny.com/Documents/the truth about the flu shot-- short.pdf

and if you search around the internet there are many doctors and health care workers who will not take the vaccine and don't want to administer the vaccine because they know the facts.

also do some research into who the WHO actually is.

http://drtenpenny.com/Documents/the truth about the flu shot-- short.pdf

and if you search around the internet there are many doctors and health care workers who will not take the vaccine and don't want to administer the vaccine because they know the facts.

also do some research into who the WHO actually is.

Yeah, like I said. I've already searched, it's the same paranoid nonsense one after another. I want scientists who have actually worked with this material who have found conclusively that it is a danger to society.

The fact of the matter is, whilst the might be one or two you aren't going to find consensus amongst the scientific community because there isn't enough evidence to show that it causes any damage at all. As Baill said it's fine to bring up a few cases in which some adverse effects were shown but overall the pros far outweigh the cons.

Oh, and conspiracy theories aren't my thing, they are always predicated on very little evidence or are just outright misinterpretations of the facts and can never be proven to be factual. So bringing up the whole NWO - WHO 'thing' isn't going to make me do anything other than laugh at the assumption.