Sweet Young Things

So nice of you to say so. I just love this thread. Probably my favorite of all time to this point.

You're welcome! I'd have told you something similar via Rep, but I can't. Silly Rep settings.

This is my favorite thread too. I love the type of girl represented here - young, innocent, not tatted out or pierced heavily. Pristine.

Speaking of, check this girl out. Nothing *really* special - just a pretty, smiling girl in a bikini on a beach. She isn't even nude. But she really does it for me...in fact, this pic is my current Wallpaper:

This is my favorite thread too. I love the type of girl represented here - young, innocent, not tatted out or pierced heavily. Pristine.

It's too bad we can't see more girls like that, considering certain posters continue to pollute this thread with pictures of tatted up girls, which is not what this thread is about.

Dude, I think you've been asked before not to post pics in here of girls with a bunch of tats. That's not what this thread is about. I know you probably think nobody has the right to "tell you what to do," but I'm not telling, just asking. This thread was created for a reason. I love good tats, and love hot chicks with tats, but not in this thread. There are a million other threads on this board if you want to post those pics, but they're not appreciated in this one. All I can do is ask. But if you continue to post off-topic stuff in here, I'm going to start giving you negative rep. I'll do it as often as you want. I'll start giving positive rep to every single post I see, just so I can roll back around and give you negative rep again sooner, if that's how you want to go. How about just look for some stuff that's on-topic and call it a truce, ok?

plump-titted Leticia looking like she wants to fuck in the shower

hot naked blonds still look hot with glasses on

Kristy looks young enough to be fresh, but still a little nasty

gorgeous Georgina

not spectacular, but certainly looks like a perfectly good little fuck
You're welcome! I'd have told you something similar via Rep, but I can't. Silly Rep settings.

This is my favorite thread too. I love the type of girl represented here - young, innocent, not tatted out or pierced heavily. Pristine.

Speaking of, check this girl out. Nothing *really* special - just a pretty, smiling girl in a bikini on a beach. She isn't even nude. But she really does it for me...in fact, this pic is my current Wallpaper:


She is sweet. I am not a fan or tats or piercing but I am very likely much older that you. Grew up liking just girls bodies without art(and both of my daughters have them, although just one each) Still, no accounting for taste.

Here are a few more I like.





I know you probably think nobody has the right to "tell you what to do," but I'm not telling, just asking. This thread was created for a reason.

Yeah - it was created by YOU, so you *should* have some say on what goes on in it :hatsoff:

but I am very likely much older that you.

LOL - I rather doubt it! :1orglaugh


Dude, I think you've been asked before not to post pics in here of girls with a bunch of tats. That's not what this thread is about. I know you probably think nobody has the right to "tell you what to do," but I'm not telling, just asking. This thread was created for a reason. I love good tats, and love hot chicks with tats, but not in this thread. There are a million other threads on this board if you want to post those pics, but they're not appreciated in this one. All I can do is ask. But if you continue to post off-topic stuff in here, I'm going to start giving you negative rep. I'll do it as often as you want. I'll start giving positive rep to every single post I see, just so I can roll back around and give you negative rep again sooner, if that's how you want to go. How about just look for some stuff that's on-topic and call it a truce, ok?

:facepalm: Dude, I missed where someone asked me not to post young girls with ink in this thread. (I see it now, in Dawn Avril) There are 900000000000 threads on this board to post whatever you like, so if I had known I wouldn't have. In your head you argued my side from the point of view of a douche bag, as if I'd get mad or feel insulted by this completely reasonable request. I'm not and don't.
It's important to stay on topic.

http://www.bravoerotica.com/mpl-studios/talia-mpl-studios/every-breath/ :clap:
:facepalm: Dude, I missed where someone asked me not to post young girls with ink in this thread. (I see it now, in Dawn Avril) There are 900000000000 threads on this board to post whatever you like, so if I had known I wouldn't have. In your head you argued my side from the point of view of a douche bag, as if I'd get mad or feel insulted by this completely reasonable request. I'm not and don't.
It's important to stay on topic.

Didn't mean to cause any offense, it's just gotten to be a regular course of business to remind people about the thread topic in this this thread. And the usual reaction when somebody repeatedly goes off-topic is a flame war of the "Who are you to tell me..." variety. So I appreciate your civility.

And I don't know if I'm just in a mood or what, but the last several posts have gotten me flogging cock like a child molester at a catholic schoolgirl convention!!! :hatsoff:

this one has a thick, sturdy body that looks like it could withstand a lot of force

can't go wrong with a cutie with lots of freckles

she's trying to play shy, but everyone knows her cunt gets wet when you rub a cock on it

cute as fuck, pert tits, meaty cunt, still in braces...what's not to love?

Madison probably can't cook, but she's hot enough to make your eyeballs bleed so who fucking gives a shit???
I would just do shit to her that humans shouldn't even be allowed to imagine

i love super-friendly looking girls like Michelle...gagging on my dick

Veronica looks able to provide services

Paulina...so sweet my teeth hurt

Ksenya, Ksenya, everything for Ksenya!

Petra..sexy braces, freckles, and a cheerleader uniform! How could they???

Magda...she'd scream obscenities at you while you fucked her

Oklahoma's got kind of a soft, lived-in look...like if you came on her it probably wouldn't get cleaned off for a while

Abby...underdeveloped and skinny as a rail. YUM!!!