Swedish Royal Wedding (Hot Princess)

Today was the wedding of Swedish Crown Princess Victoria and her husband, Daniel.

She's quite hot, isn't she?


They both look a little... saucy.


Would you do her? Oh, and if you know any pornstars she resembles, please tell.

EDIT: Moved to Celeb section.
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Closed Account
It`s probably illegal to think such thoughts but yes, she looked very hot in her wedding dress and no doubt had a good time later that night.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
She's alright.
Well.. no wonder they like each other...


Overall, she's fairly pretty.

Definitely within the reasonable "beauty lies in the eye" range.

Hell, I'd fuck her if given the chance...

...but... that chin of hers.... is a bit crazy.

(Still, she deserves credit for not going the surgery route)