swearing in porn


persona non grata
It can be hot if it comes naturally. I abosolutely hate it when the cameraman/director tell the girls what to say (Vince Vouyeur is probably the worst example of this, well at least he was five-six years ago, i stopped watching his movies a long time ago).

dick van cock

Closed Account
I can't stand that fucking pr0nstarz talking fucking shit about fucking. They should have their fucking asshole fucked and otherwise they're supposed to shut the fucking fuck up. If I ever hear anyone of them goddamn fucking bastards use a foul word again, I'll kick their fucking balls and drop a fucking turd in their shit-talking mouth.

I say: Fuck off, you illiterate buggers! I've had enough of you fucking dicks!

Use some fucking awesome language or else! There are more fucking words in the motherfucking OED and the shitty Webster's than your dickhead brains can comprehend.

Fuck off! I want to hear you moan in iambic pentameters! You dirty ass-fucked cunts!
I have to be honest, a foul mouthed girl really doesn't do it for me... particularly when they're repeating "fuck me" over and over again, occasionally throwing in "ooh yeah" for good measure.
i find it disturbing when it gets to the point where the woman gets to much into it that it sounds like she want you to rape her
I guess I agree with everyone in this thread for the most part. It has to be believable and not repetitive.

The absolute QUEEN of dirty talk, no one does it better, is Bree Olson. The shit she says.....:eek:
do some of you think thier is a point that valgur word's in porn can reach too far? im saying as in drity talk or just plan useing the same words over.

Jezuschrist! Fucking dirty talk on the girls part makes the fucking scene hot. Sasha Grey, Bree Olsen Jenna Haze are all convincing. What can be hotter than when a girl turns around and says "fuck me" you godamn fuckin horny fucking bastard!" I'd like to hear MORE dirty talk!
It's just odd when a girl is saying "fuck me" and the guy is already breaking a sweat fucking her. also is'nt that the idea(to fuck her)? I'd like it if the girl was describing how good it feels rather than cussing up a fake ass storm.
Swearing, or dirty-talk, whatever you wish to call it is only done by a tiny percentage of female porn performer's. The vast majority are either unable, or unwilling to indulge themselves in this activity.
I think when dirty talk goes too far is when it doesn't seem natural and seems forced. If you're going to be using dirty talk (male or female) I should at least be able to believe from the way you are fucking that you are really into it. Of course, it basically comes down to bad acting being a turn-off in the first place.

You are sooo right! What I find is a big turn off, why I don't know, is when the Eastern European women do it (ie: Sylvia Saint, maybe that's why she doesn't say anything most of the time).