They pop out... Padme dies... Also in the artwork book and the making of they seem to infer it is to do with Queen Organa; hence the dozen or so concept sketches of her holding infant Leia on Alderaan.
The sketches just point to the 2nd to last scene in the film, don't go looking for things that aren't there. What I stated earlier is basically what Pablo Hidalgo said in a chat several months ago.
Regardless either way, what is said or drawn or whatever OFF screen, without some plausable reason ONSCREEN it will appear as nothing more than an ugly plot hole.

On a different note, it sucks they cut Dagobah out. Too many endings my ass, Lucas. :D
Mind the attitude, my very young apprentice. Only a fraction of the people who watch the films bother reading about it elsewhere. Most people will watch all 6 films and thing "wtf, she died in childbirth" when they get to that bit on ROTJ. There is, as yet, no explanation in the films.
001 said:
No worries! :) Here is another...

Anakin is haunted by dreams of Padme dying during childbirth... but it turns out it is his fault as he uses the Force Choke on her on Mustafar...

lol read STRAIGHT from the official website! well done! :thumbsup: :D

here is some interesting Trivia:
Christopher Lee ALWAYS dies via decapitation, this is NO DIFFERENT in Episode III (Anakin chops off his head dueling in front of the 'chained' Palpatine)
Alexx said:
Don't be surprised if Lucas changes ROTJ.....again!

actually he WANTS to in a SUPER STAR WARS edition to celebrate 30 years of star wars with EXTRA EXTRA footage like in episode VI when Vader 'captures' luke on Endor after Luke is Taken away Vader goes to his chamber and listens and watches a hologram of Padme.

So i have heard but it could be false.

i actually like the modifications in the dvd version.
001 said:
Mind the attitude, my very young apprentice....

Hardy har har. I'm older than you are. Didn't mean for you to think I had "attitude" anyway. You asked for an answer to a PH, I gave it, then you refused to accept it.

ÆGEAN said:
....So i have heard but it could be false.

i actually like the modifications in the dvd version.

That Padme scene is an unfounded rumor, already been debunked by the OS. However, there WILL be a 30th Ann. DVD release. What it's comprised of is all conjecture at this point (with the exceptions being what we've been told won't be on there). I like the DVD changes also.
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I do think the hardcore fans that cry about DVD changes need to just deal with it. The films are better for them, in my opinion.

And all I am saying is the plotholes need to be explained on screen, not by just some bullshit made up on the spot by someone associated with the films.
001 said:
I do think the hardcore fans that cry about DVD changes need to just deal with it. The films are better for them, in my opinion.

And all I am saying is the plotholes need to be explained on screen, not by just some bullshit made up on the spot by someone associated with the films.

I agree with you about the DVD issue. Some people need to get a grip. Sorry about the PH issue-didn't mean to seem defensive, but not every hole will be filled. SW is not the only film that has PHs. Many films have PHs, even ones based on books. If it's wierd to you, just use suspension of disbelief. It's gotten me through many other classic films (LOTR, Hoosiers, Singin' In the Rain, Gone With the Wind, etc.).
No worries ;)

I am still not convinced Qui Gon doing a 30 second voice over explaining to Yoda how he will teach him and Obi Wan to come back as ghosts is a good idea... yeah it answers the question of why they disappear at death and come back as ghosts... but then Anakin appears as a ghost in Ep VI! :D
I got bad rep for saying animals have rights heh. Trust me, ignoring it is by FAR the best way to deal with it, or you just attract more of it. Whoever gives it out wants to get a rise from you.
I hope you get to see a lot of the Jedi killing in this. It needs to have a real impact what Anakin has become. Obviously the younglings all you see is him ignite his 'saber, but I hope you see Shaak Ti get skewered.
001 said:
No worries ;)

I am still not convinced Qui Gon doing a 30 second voice over explaining to Yoda how he will teach him and Obi Wan to come back as ghosts is a good idea... yeah it answers the question of why they disappear at death and come back as ghosts... but then Anakin appears as a ghost in Ep VI! :D

I like the idea, simply because I really like QGJ and Liam Neeson. I could tell you why Anakin appears in ROTJ, but that's a PH filled by off-screen canonity. And I know you don't like that. :tongue:
Well, GL said it would be 70% fighting, so you have to assume that we'll see our fair share of it. I know we see Aayla Secura, Ki-Adi Amundi, Kit Fisto, and several other minor Jedi get butchered.
Qui Gon / Liam Neeson is the only acting talent present in Ep I. Dont get me wrong, I love the film, but most of the acting is nasty. Qui Gon and Watto stand out on that aspect. But, I would have liked to see Qui Gon appear through the film as mentor to Obi Wan maybe... as opposed to just a little voice over at the end.
I would have liked a Force Ghost presence as well. And yeah, the acting in Ep.I was pretty cardboard (in Ep. II as well). But, being that GL hired talent, real talent, I equate it all to below average directing. But, it seems his rust is gone now, from footage I've seen, the acting's much better in ROTS.
The script on Ep I got chopped and changed WAY too much as well; I lost track of how many "final drafts" I read through. Ewan McGregor seemed to lose his talent for acting because he spent too much time trying to get the accent right heh. In Ep II, he seemed to let the accent slide a lot more, and suddenly was a more convincing Obi Wan :D

Aayla Secura, Ki Adi and Fisto dont get killed by Anakin though... I *think* the only one we see him do is Shaak Ti, if they dont do a cheesy off screen scream or something. The Clone Troopers slaughter the majority after Sidious does the whole Order 66 thing.

Oh, I guess Anakin is pretty much responsible for Windu.