Suspenders - the over the shoulder variety (braces in the UK)


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
What the heck are you RichFetisH and AOC00 posting in here? The thread is about suspenders.... none of your girls have them!

Mandy Price aka Planet Mandy aka Sinfull Mandy



Last edited:
Note to ALL members: I deleted over 200 posts for being off-topic. This thread is for suspenders, NOT garters. Keep your posts on topic, or they will be deleted.
Note to ALL members: I deleted over 200 posts for being off-topic. This thread is for suspenders, NOT garters. Keep your posts on topic, or they will be deleted.
Still having an issue, but hopefully, this should resolve any confusion. I merged an old thread with this one and kept the old title, which better explains what this thread is about. Over the shoulder suspenders. Again, off-topic posts will be deleted.