Why do you have to get that way with the lad? Is he or his "lonely blog" causing you any harm or discomfort?
How about hopping down off your high fuckin' horse for a few minutes and seeing what the world looks like. :nono:
See what the world looks like? Why do you think I'm as cynical and bitter as I am?
The fact that fallhell has mental issue doesn't afford him any sympathy from me, if you post stupid shit, or in his case, cries for attention then I will comment and not always politely.
Read his blog, it is post after post of up to the minute bollocks. "Woke up" - "had lunch" - "The king of freeones has a tummy ache" blah blah blah.
Have you ever known me to be polite? I have a history of being a smart ass and as long as freeones continues its descent into shit, then rain man will get both barrels.
This place is a den of trolls, racist assholes, attention whores and general internet trash, they might as well change the freeones logo to a fucking yellow bus.