Survey: Europeans back veil ban, Americans opposed


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Think about this Georges for a sec. If the average guy on the right...thinks and talks like it a wonder why people there side with the left for if nothing more than not identifying with people who think and talk like you?

Good point

Not everyone sides with the left in France, but mainly the poor uneducated people, the students, the teachers, the persons having a liberal job and the ghetto crowd backs the left and always did. I and several other people know who are the troublemakers in my country and who is involved in burning cars, attacking jewish students, breaking stores's shop windows, harassing respectable girls, but also what is to be constantly blackmailed by ragheads asking for things they don't deserve. There has been far too much lenience and tolerance when not punishing them enough severely. You have no clue of that because you don't live in my country. It is because of badinter, another socialist idiot that the death penalty has been abolished in France in 1981. I assume my convictions plainly and fully as I always did. I am not going to show pity for scumbags and anyone burning cars, breaking shop windows, harassing girls and trying to rape them as well as attacking other people because of their religion. Everyone in France knows who these scumbags are and where they come from. For your information, there is also racism against whites in France.

Good points, but it's not always the "ragheads" and lets not forget that the right can be even more powerful in destroying a country by giving everything to the elites and leaving the people nothing.
lets not forget that the right can be even more powerful in destroying a country by giving everything to the elites and leaving the people nothing.

In the post WWII era the left did a bang up job with their insane policy of unchecked immigration, and "intolerant tolerance" toward the muslim population.
This is why right wing politics has made a comeback throughout Europe. People are tired of leftist limp wrist policies.
This shows at least one lesson that Europe has learned faster than the US and the morons running our all-powerful Federal government.

What do we do? We decide to build a fuckin mosque where the Towers once stood.

I am seriously worried for my country and the fools running it... and by extension the millions of even bigger fools who vote for them.
Yeah an islamic center near the WTC. How nice. It'll be used a propaganda tool by the jihadists overseas.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
In the post WWII era the left did a bang up job with their insane policy of unchecked immigration, and "intolerant tolerance" toward the muslim population.
This is why right wing politics has made a comeback throughout Europe. People are tired of leftist limp wrist policies.

That unchecked immigration which allowed your parents into your country? Do I have to make the point I could here?
I don't think you have an accurate idea of how things are in Europe.
Now you quoted my statement that the right does plenty to mess up the economy, but said nothing against this, so lets look again:
For years social welfare ahs given money to the poor, yet the countries that do this have prospered...
However, EVERY SINGLE TIME governments take the restrictions off the free markets, BANG! economic collapse and the rich making shed-loads of money.
You can't blame social-welfare for the collapse - it's the bankers, they fucked up, fucked up the world, and we bailed them out. As usual, the poor working men earn the money, then the rich take it.
You may notice that England became the worlds 1st superpower by industrialising before anyone else: massive riches followed. Later England de-industrialised in favour of an "information economy" and now we're fucked.
Why? Because the suits who sit behind desks and act like they work hard, really don't. Who's economy is experiencing incredible growth? chinas. Who manufactures everything in the world? china. It's blue collar labour that makes the countries richest. Banks and bankers need to be regulated, monopolies need to be nationalised and we need to remember that it's the poor majority of the population which does the work, while the rich mostly sit around on their arse (many companies falsely informed wives of the deaths of their top-earners after 9-11, because these guys had been golfing instead of working. This shows that they're not worth the salaries they're paid).
I was commenting on post WWII Western Europe's unchecked immigration which was a mistake. Stick to the topic.