Supr Bowl Ads

The ones that I caught were lame. Did anyone see the Tim Tebow "Thanks for not getting an abortion Mom" ad? I missed it.
I had not idea it was an anti-abortion commercial. All I got from it was he tackled his mom and said he loved her. :dunno:

I rather enjoyed the Dodge commercial where it showed the guy shopping with his girlfriend and the announcer says, the woman ripped his spine out, he is stuck shopping with her...


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Dodge Charger: Man's Last Stand

Was there a Fed-Ex commercial this year? I didn't see one.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Dave, Oprah and Jay! I almost fell out of my chair. :thumbsup:
all i can say is if some one doesn't get me a bud light in the next 30 seconds i'm going to start ripping faces off...

I got my eyes on that 55 calorie Budweiser that they kept showing. It reminds of me the ridiculous razor blade wars in the earlier part of the decade. What are they up to now? 10 blades? 20? I can't imagine what would come next. Zero calorie beer with Splenda?
^^ Were you thinking of a Baconsalt inspired thread?

Somewhat along the lines of pre/post game butt fucking in the changing rooms without protection = "Oh noes! How on Earth will I tell my generic blond girlfriend that I've got *the rot*?"

No wonder the 'Buccaneers' lost :nono:
they were kinda weak but i liked 2 of them: the Snickers commerical where they were playin football and the Doritos commerical where the little boy slapped the man who had come to take his momma out
Anybody notice there was not one Pepsi commercial? Those rebels! I'm going to boycott Pepsi now for showing their arrogance :tongue:


My Penis Is Dancing!
It was a remarkably weak lineup this year. The Bud commercial of the guys talking to each other in the techno-electro voices was incredibly annoying.