This is funny. She cheats. I call her out and I'm the asshole. How am I an asshole? Because I'm not kissing your ass like everybody else around here does? Ohh poor baby. I'm sure you had good reason to go behind your man's back. Aww poor Harley. She's got it so tough. I forgot you have a pink name. My bad!!!!
Did I say anything about a pink name? I don't recall doing so.
You're an asshole for telling me to be an adult and stop being a bitch, when you're not even being an adult. I'm 21 and don't care about anyone else in the world? You know nothing about me. You have no fucking clue what I've been through in my life. I'm 21, yes, but I am far from a 21 year old girl that goes out to bars, gets wasted, flirts around, and acts like there's nothing more important in the world than having fun. I've been there, I grew out of that stage when I was 19. I've done the drugs and I drank every consecutive day and night away for a year before I even turned 21. Now I work my ass off as a restaurant manager, I have my website, and I have little time in my personal life.
I've been through more than half the people in the world will ever experience in their entire lives. I've been hit, I've been raped, I've watched my step dad get the shit beat out of him by his best friend while he already had a broken bone, I've sold my body for money, I moved out and started living on my own at the age of 17, I paid my own doctor bills as a kid, I haven't seen my dad in 10 years, I've been through hell and back. I've had my heart broken so many times I've lost count. I grew up as the ugliest girl you could imagine, with a cleft lip and extra crooked teeth, only having hand-me-down clothes from my spoiled brat step-sister. My parents have been evicted from multiple homes and who is there to support them when they can hardly afford to feed themselves, living off of a bear that my step-dad shot 2 years ago because they can't afford to buy fresh meat? Me. I buy them groceries when I don't even buy myself groceries, I'm there for them even though they were hardly there for me growing up. I never so much as got a, "Hello, how was school?" when I would come home from school, having walked a mile up the road from the bus stop because my mother wouldn't come pick me up. Even after nearly every single one of my boyfriends in the past cheated on me, I still have the heart, after it was smashed into a million pieces, to be friends with them.
So go ahead you fucking asshole, tell me that I don't care about anyone else in the world!
I quit reading when you started your whole woe is me shit. Whatever it is you've been though, it doesn't justify your actions. You suck.
I told you to be an adult and dump your bf. Why wouldn't you? Quit using your past as an excuse to be a cunt now.
STDiva has probably never been laid and is angry, so just ignore him.
Soooo. . . What does bear taste like? I've had wild boar, but not bear. I imagine it's very tough to chew, unless used in a stew or chili or something. I'd like to try it, I just never encountered it before.
Gotta agree with Diva. If you cheated on a guy, tell him. It's much worse than not knowing, and there's no excuse for continuing the relationship. Part of being an adult is owning up to your decisions. Good and bad. The rest of your traumatic life has no bearing on this situation.
I cheated on a girl a few years ago. So I told her about it. On her birthday. After not buying her a present. And telling her that she had to move out. That's being a boss.
Some people like bear, some don't. It depends on how it's prepared, as with any other food. I visited my mom a week or two ago and she made meatloaf with the bear meat and I wouldn't have known it was bear if she hadn't told me. It tasted exactly like beef.
So with seasoning and such, bear tastes pretty good. There's some animals I won't eat though simply because I've seen them butchered or was forced to help butcher them. I won't eat deer (my step-dad is a hunter and would have me help him butcher the deer, cut the meat, and grind some of it into hamburger), turkey, rabbit, or squirrel. I've seen them all skinned, gutted, and cut up, and I can't take that stuff. Makes me sick to my stomach.
Thankfully this all happened in your imagination.
Gotta agree with Diva. If you cheated on a guy, tell him. It's much worse than not knowing, and there's no excuse for continuing the relationship. Part of being an adult is owning up to your decisions. Good and bad. The rest of your traumatic life has no bearing on this situation.
I cheated on a girl a few years ago. So I told her about it. On her birthday. After not buying her a present. And telling her that she had to move out. That's being a boss.
I know, like I said, I tell myself this stuff all the time. It's tough to do. Especially in my situation- we live together, we work together, we have a dog and now a new kitten. If I go out to live on my own without him, I will have nothing. I will not be able to afford life. Personally, I make less than $12,000/yr. Just under $12,000 is the poverty line. So to break up with him will mean losing my job, my home, my pets, and a lot my personal belongings. I'd most likely go to live in New York, and there's no way I can take all of my personal belongings with me.
Again, that's not an excuse, and no, I'm not using him for what he provides me with. I fell in love with him for who he is, I fell in love with him before we lived together. I am simply saying that breaking up with him will mean an entire life change for me. It's a very tough decision. I have to either end it with the other guy or I have to end it with him. And ending it with him will mean figuring out what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it before I do it. God knows he's going to be heartbroken and will be pissed and will want me out immediately.
The difference between you and some other people on here and Diva is that you guys are constructive. You aren't insulting. He's being a straight up jackass about it while you are being reasonable. I'm not pissed off at Diva for telling me that cheating is wrong, I'm pissed off at Diva for being a dick about it.
Lol. Constructive vs being a dick. Sorry, you don't deserve constructive criticism. Why do you think you deserve better? You're being a scumbag, and I'm treating you like one. For the record, if I cheated, I would expect to be treated exactly as I am.treating you. It's wrong, and you're a loser for doing it.
Dude. Sticking up for Harley isn't going to get you in her pants. She's seeing someo...oh wait. Maybe it will!