THere is NEVER a legitimate reason to commit suicide. Trust me - I know. It's the option of fools, cowards, and is the most selfish thing anyone can do. In some faiths, it's also a sin.
Get help. There's no shame in being depressed or confused or despondent and asking for help or guidance. Often, some of us foolishly convince ourselves that there's nothing to live for, but we fail to take an inventory of the good things in the world and in life.
We only have so much time to live. We have an eternity in death.
In our darkest hours, we must remember that. We must also remember that there are plenty of free resources that we can use in discussing our life/emotional problems. As we often forget in times of trouble, we have our friends and our families. Sometimes our friends ARE our family. I know this all too well also.
If you're seriously considering suicide, call 911, or PM me and I will help you, or try my best to do so.
One of my mates ex's once tried it due to being extremly depressed. She is okay now and realises she was stupid to attempt such a thing but at the time it seemed her only option.
She is a good lass who has her head screwed on again but for that one moment in time she just lost it.
1. Freeones? Imagine how many funny threads and naked women you'll miss.
2. There should be people who love you. You'll hurt them.
3. There are plenty of things that you can do. Many things that hold you down are pretty much a product of your mind. Say "fuck that" every once in a while and you will feel liberated. Besides, there are plenty of people who are worse off than you. Got nothing to do? Charity work is a much more noble answer than suicie.
I guess I really don't know how you feel exatcly Jizm, but I can tell you what it's like to be one of the people affected by another's suicide. I'll be extremely personal but here I go. My father killed himself when I was 2 and left my mother to raise us 3 boys. There have been many moments in our lives when we needed him. You never really know why the person did it because they never told anyone or had trouble expressing their true feelings about it. Goddamit. Let me tell you Jizm that if you really express and tell someone close to you why you want to do it you'll see they'll do all they possibly can to show you how much they love you and don't want you to go. I'm serious man. In the last 3 months two childhood friends killed themselves. I went to both funerals and let me tell you how crushed those families are now. Dude we've all been there, but HANG IN THERE man, it'll pass over because you can do that Jizm.
Now come on, post some fine links and let's get rockin' !!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I too know all too well what suicide does to a family and what it's like to feel like checking out. My girlfriend took her life over two years ago and I am still feeling the pain like it was yesterday. My brother tried to end his life as well. Nothing will ever fill the hole caused by the loss of a loved one. As for me, well, I have been hospitalized twice for suicide thoughts and almost, actions. I have been on countless number of meds for years. I have finally found the right combination to be stable and to finally start enjoying my life. Therapy has also been a HUGE part of my recovery. Everyone feels depressed no one is alone. There are so many people that can and want to help. Right in the phone book there are confidential counselours that you can call and talk to. I have used those as well. Hang in there keep telling yourself it can only get better it's true. It is so much better to be alive. Email me if you have any questions I'm here man!
In my opinion, the most pain caused by a suicide is by those that love and respect the person that commits suicide. The person that commits suicide does not feel the pain and loss, but inflicts it upon those that have survived.
Please seek professional advice before contemplating suicide. This board, although offers to help, can't offer the advice of a professional.
Jizm, if you'd like to contact me, via PM, e-mail, instant message, please do.
If you're really sick with your life, change it, don't end it. Get on a freaking bus and travel the country. There's much to see before you pull that trigger or whatever.
Back in 97, I was depressed and wanted to kill myself...but I was so depressed that suicide seemed like too much work. Imagine that.
I finally thought that I needed help and checked into a mental institution.
I really thought I was crazy and this was the end for me.
I was among people who had tried suicide atleast twice and were on medication every several hours just to remain sane.
I knew that I had problems...but these people needed help.
I figured that if I stayed then I would become just like them. maybe the medication would push me to try suicide as some badge like them. What if I only needed one try?
That was a major wake up for me and it's something that I'll never forget.
We all have problems but it's how you handle them that makes you who you are. Just remember that there is someone out there who doesn't have a home, clothes, food and they're not thinking about ending it. They're thinking about how to survive day to day and make it through.
I don't know anyone who's ashamed to admit they need help--in one form or another.
And you never should is all about getting by and helping out the best way you can.
Use this as a a time to reflect. You can one day use this to help someone else who will be walking down this same path. You're asking for a shoulder and one day, you'll be that shoulder for someone else.
Stay strong because that's who we're rooting for.
Not the person thinking of suicide... But, the person who will make it through.
The other day I'm showering at the gym and it's a community shower, most of the guys just got out of the sauna all sweaty.
Everyone uses the towels that they hand out (they're all white, and the same size). I get done showering and walk out to see lots of the same looking towels hanging on the hooks and I forget which is mine. So I grab the one that I *think* is mine and it's a little too sweaty. I don't think it's mine.
I think I dried myself off with some guy's butt sweat!
I don't know how serious you were about the topic, but I hope I just made whatever you're going thru a little more bearable.
Some times we all need to step back from all that bothers us and see that everyone else is human too...
See HERE (post 8 and others) in your last post about this last year, almost in the same week. There are resources for you... We're all here to help you, man.
Well thanks everyone for your thoughts and words (and to those who PMed m). I'll hang in there. I was negativly repped so sorry if I offended anyone with the post or if I wasn't suppose to. Thanks again guys, it helps more then u know.
Think of how many people who are terminally sick would just like to live an extra day...the way the world is beautiful and has beauty all around you...The Sky during the day...the way you feel sunlight and rain...
Life is a wonderful gift no matter how bad times are or how impossible situations may seem enjoy every moment, enjoy everyday, do things that make you HAPPY and make YOU feel alive...remember as bad as times seem it is always darkest before dawn...think abou that
Never think you have nothing to live for..everyone contributes something to the world
I agree 100%. Anyone who would issue a negative rep to someone undergoing an inner struggle like you are is a complete insensitive asshole so just ignore them.
Just some general advice for people who feel suicidal in general.
Even though you might be going through a (very) tough time now, it's not goig to last forever. In a few weeks/months/years (if it's years, it's well worth the wait) your life is going to become better again.
If everyone who had bad luck in life commited suicide, there would be no more African people, no more Shi'it people in Iraq, no more followers of whatever besides the Taliban in Afghanistan, etc.
There people decided to hang in there, to stay & hope for a better day & in some cases we already see that the lives of the people are improving.
If you run from whatever is troubling you, by commiting suicide, you'll never be able to witness the improvement/turn of luck.