Nothing at all in life actually scares me. I have done things that are stupidly dangerous and they dont worry me because I have this freaky sense that death happens to other people, and not me. Stupid huh? But when i sit and think about it, think about actually being gone and THATS IT - all over, finito... well it scares the CRAP out of me personally. Usually I think about that shit when I am down late at night alone or something, and seriously if I dont go and DO something, like watch a film or talk to someone I get freakishly panicked.
Therefore, to me, the thought of actually commiting suicide it TOTALLY alien, and have never considered it past the thoughts of "what a rush jumping off a cliff, sucks you gotta land". I can understand WHY people do it, and I can understand sometimes there really can be no way out of certain situations, but at the same time I can not think of it as anything other than a cowardly thing to do, and kinda selfish to boot.
Dont get me wrong, I am not judging anyone who has thought about it or tried it, but that is just how I feel. I have had some real shitty times where I thought NOW what the fuck do I do; for example when I split up with a long term partner and lost my home I had been working for, and shortly after, my job. But, again, my blind optimism and stupid sense of invincibilty served me well and I managed to pick myself up and get going again.
If anyone IS considering it, dont do it. If things really are that bad, then totally change your life - go wandering or join a volunteer organisation or something. There is ALWAYS something you can do to make things better, even if you dont see it right now.