Stunning brunette babe, help!!!

Woah, this is another special one, she's beautiful, got some amazing eyes and wow..but I don't know her name, I need a check more than anything..
She is the brunette in these pictures with Jenny Poussin.

I searched "Capri" and did find an Alexis Capri, who is awesome too and looks very very similar, but the girl with Jenny just flourishes with beauty flylicker

So, can someone tell me who the brunette is on the link?
Is it Alexis or someone else?
Oh yeah, I guess she does sorta, at first I checked out Nika Noire but didn't see the resemblance, but some of those links do look similar to both Alexis Capri and...the unknown I assume might be Alexis?
Ah this is getting confusing..

Put it this way, there is Alexis Capri, with the "Capri" part linking to the gallery of Jenny and gf...Capri..and then there is Nika Noire.

Could someone just ID this babe that is in that gallery with Jenny?
I think you guys both nailed it....:thumbsup:

The tat on the inside of her left ankle matches the one Alexis has had since she started. She added the one on the outside of her right ankle later...:glugglug: