stuff that makes me SICK in porn...

PacificMike said:
Things I don't want to see:
1. A woman letting a guy ejaculate on her face.
I'm not into facials at all either.
PacificMike said:
2. A woman taking 2 guys at once, especially when it's anal/vaginal at the same time. Not sexy at all. Why don't the 2 guys just get a room and do each other and leave the woman out of it?
Huh? Why would that seem "gay"?
Some women really like this -- I think even my wife would, but she says she only wants 1 man (me).
If she ever wanted this, I'd let her have another lover in with us.
Especially since my helmet is NOT built for anal at all.

Yes, there's probably some aspect to the DP that causes the two men to "see-saw" and simulate each other.
But the woman's flesh is still in between their entry, so I see a major difference.

PacificMike said:
3. Peeing or spitting.
Just spitting on the penis, or other?
Some women don't like to deliver oral, but saliva still provides a major lubrication/stimulation.
Many of my past girlfriends before I was married either didn't do oral or I didn't want them too (I know, stupid, but it was "too intense" and made me "too vunerable" so I didn't let a woman orally please me until we had been dating for awhile and I felt comfortable -- yeah, I know, wierd).

PacificMike said:
4. Some guy yelling at a woman, "Take it, you b*tch", or any other derivative of that. Isn't there a middle ground between that and "My darling, I would immensely desire the warming of my phallus in your gentle honeypot."?
I agree with you there.
I would NEVER degrade a lover, and most definitely not my wife.
So why would I want to see another man do it to any other woman?
pitino said:
i believe that practising makes them get used to it and after all...enjoy it (or not?)
That's what my wife keeps saying, but it's taking me more time to emotionally get used to them than she does physically.
It's funny, some guys talk about what they want to do to a girl, as if most wouldn't do it.
But in my case, my wife tells me what she wants me to do, and I just have a hard time going through with it -- or stopping way too early for her.
lisasparxxx said:
No worries different strokes for different folks.
Well, even if you guys don't like Lisa in action, you have to admit that she can be an enchanting glamour babe (you just don't see her much this way):

I love it when I can find pictures of Lisa in lingerie or other glamour poses -- she could have been a mainstream model (except for height?).
Typically all I can find are the action shots (which are pretty enticing as well, at least to me).
lisasparxxx said:
BTW since some of you dont likemy flicks. You can see some of them here
If it's not too much ask, I'd like to know what you actually enjoy and don't enjoy in what you do on-camera.
It's clear you do a lot, but I'm curious what you like, what is tolerable and what takes a toll on you.

I'm with most guys here, I hate the degrading and forced sex or acts.
But my wife has a lot of desires that she has taken years working over me, and some I even find enjoyable now.
For example, my wife will take me to climax in her mouth, then drool it out over her DD cup bust
(which is one of the reasons I love Lisa, her hanging DD cup breasts are very much like my wife's).
I then like to go a second time in between her breasts which are already well lubricated.

Just curious. Feel free to not answer or say you'd rather not talk about it.


It's good to be the king...
lotelote said:
does anyone know if cumshots and deepthroat are illegal in the uk???


Check the BBFC website:

'R18' - To be shown only in specially licensed cinemas, or supplied only in licensed sex shops, and to adults of not less than 18 years.

The ‘R18’ category is a special and legally restricted classification primarily for explicit works of consenting sex between adults. Films may only be shown to adults in specially licensed cinemas, and videos may be supplied to adults only in licensed sex shops. ‘R18’ videos may not be supplied by mail order.

The following content is not acceptable:
any material which is in breach of the criminal law, including material judged to be obscene under the current interpretation of the Obscene Publications Act 1959.
material (including dialogue) likely to encourage an interest in sexually abusive activity (eg paedophilia, incest, rape) which may include adults role-playing as non-adults.
the portrayal of any sexual activity which involves lack of consent (whether real or simulated). Any form of physical restraint which prevents participants from indicating a withdrawal of consent.
the infliction of pain or physical harm, real or (in a sexual context) simulated. Some allowance may be made for mild consensual activity. Penetration by any object likely to cause actual harm or associated with violence.
any sexual threats, humiliation or abuse which does not form part of a clearly consenting role-playing game. Strong abuse, even if consensual, is unlikely to be acceptable.
These guidelines will be applied to the same standard whether the activity is heterosexual or homosexual.
roflcopter said:
yeah when the girl pukes thats when its time to turn it off
Oh, that's DEFINITELY "too far."
But gagging out cum, some like it, don't know why, but some do.
it's a turn off when they gag...

but if they can throat it without gagging... now that's a woman I would marry.


It's good to be the king...
jumbo_jim said:
I hate watersports. Just find it horrible.

You don't want to see the "PISSING is it HOT or NOT" thread in the members area then....... :)

PS: I can't stand "Golden Showers" either - instant turn-off....
I'm lucky i have seen any video where a girl gags on cock and vomits. I like it when they come up with lots of spit, but not puke, that's not cool. Oh, and nobody is forcing any girl to do it on camera, they DO get paid for that stuff, same as how nobody forces you to watch it. If you don't like it, skip to the next scen or turn it off, that's all that you can do. As long as there's and audience for it(remember folks, porn is all about suplly and demand), it won't go away...


Official Checked Star Member
Prof Voluptuary said:
If it's not too much ask, I'd like to know what you actually enjoy and don't enjoy in what you do on-camera.
It's clear you do a lot, but I'm curious what you like, what is tolerable and what takes a toll on you.

I'm with most guys here, I hate the degrading and forced sex or acts.
But my wife has a lot of desires that she has taken years working over me, and some I even find enjoyable now.
For example, my wife will take me to climax in her mouth, then drool it out over her DD cup bust
(which is one of the reasons I love Lisa, her hanging DD cup breasts are very much like my wife's).
I then like to go a second time in between her breasts which are already well lubricated.

Just curious. Feel free to not answer or say you'd rather not talk about it.


Thanks for the comments etc. What I do on camera is what I like to do off camera. I love to suck a dick. I like it rough adds excitement. No I was not abused or molested. No my mom and dad did not divorce.

I do have muy limits though. I do not do Max hardcore style stuff. I can gag on a cock etc. But I will not be spit on slapped etc. I will get up and kick you in the nuts. :eek: I will not do girls on camera. Why? Because I am not bi or gay for pay. So like I said I only do stuff on camera that I will do in my personal life. ( Ok there are some very hot girls that I would not turn away so I am sort of bi) But I would be extremely picky :rofl:

Yes not everyone likes the scenes I do. I do regular scenes as well. I am also releasing one more gangbang video and it will be my last one. I had enough of those. I will however still do DP's, bukkaes, blowbangs but the over all gangbang thing is a closed chapter in my book. Remmeber you read it here first. :eek:

I hope that answered some of your questions..

Lisa Sparxxx


Official Checked Star Member
roflcopter said:
yeah when the girl pukes thats when its time to turn it off

Just to clear one thing up. I have never puked in a scene. It is all salivia. OOps ok I did one time. :eek: Gag Factor 13. But not bad out of over 150 films.:thumbsup:
i hate it when you see a really beautiful girl have to fuck and suck really ugly dudes. i dont really get, assuming the money is the same whether the guy is ugly or not why do some hotties bother fucking messed up teeth, bald headed old, ugly pricks??!! :dunno:


Closed Account
Not too keen on the cum drinking from a cup etc The other thing that springs to mind is when some dude gets the girl to lick his anus :eek:
i love watching deepthroating, love getting it even more, dont wanna see the girl throw up but it feels so good when u put it deep in their throats!


It's good to be the king...
Superfly said:
Not too keen on the cum drinking from a cup etc.

That's why I tend to avoid the GGG vids.......
om3ga said:
That's why I tend to avoid the GGG vids.......
yep GGG vids are almost disgusting, I can't understand german ppl :D
as well max HC is the worst guy living on earth, that's just obvious

I agree with all the previous posts, this thread deserve its interest; keep posting on it :D

and Lisa, you can stop shooting gangbang vids, you already made some great ones we don't need more ! I wish you to do what you want to do, don't fall under the pressure ;)
DP, bukkake & blowbang are enough for me :nanner:
by the way, I'm still wondering what blowbang means, google don't help me much with that kind of words :)