Stuff about YOUR country that pisses you off


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
That its stuck in the 20th century and also nobody knows anything about us or think we are "just a part of England"

Wales? Never heard of it. Where are you? Are you an island off the Canadian coast?

I could write an essay in this thread...


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
That it stole Hawai'i and won't give it back and won't acknowledge a Hawaiian Kingdom.

yeah and i'm still waiting on my slavery reparations check so i can open up a barber shop and a record label... and also the 40 acres of land and a mule niggas was promised in 1865. so i can grow medical bud. so don't hold your breath sister. it would be nice if they put more than a paragraph in the history books about queen lilio though


Mediocrity has become a national pastime in this country (Australia)

The only measure of success is how well the economy is doing or how many various sporting events we can win. We have no ambitions to be world leaders in any industrial quarter, nor do we wish to be trendsetters or leaders-by-example when it comes to human rights, foreign relations, conflict mediation etc. We're more than happy to be sycophants and blind followers of countries more powerful than our own.


Believer In GregCentauro
Mediocrity has become a national pastime in this country (Australia)

The only measure of success is how well the economy is doing or how many various sporting events we can win. We have no ambitions to be world leaders in any industrial quarter, nor do we wish to be trendsetters or leaders-by-example when it comes to human rights, foreign relations, conflict mediation etc. We're more than happy to be sycophants and blind followers of countries more powerful than our own.

whatttt? You have kangaroos, Fosters, and koala bears...those things rock. Plus the Outback commercials make Australia look awesome...haha...


Plus the Outback commercials make Australia look awesome...haha...


whoops! that's the outback Australia we'd rather you didn't see.....


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I hate the fact that the Canadian Conservative Party cares more about the USA than they do about Canada. And then the idiot hillbillies out west keep working hard to elect these assholes!

Don't come to England. Same shit; different place.
Nice Avatar BTW.