Study shows men want hot women.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


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OK some writers have to much time on there hands sometimes. LOL :1orglaugh
I would have to disagree. Most men I see have unattractive girlfriends or wives.

Well the reason for this is simple. You might lust after a person for sex. But have no other things in common with this person. So that where it stays, lust.

Now Girlfriends and wives are someone you are in love with. Which isn't lust that men do when they see a so titled 'hot woman'. As they only would like to get their leg over with her. Oh and this works the other way too. Women do the exact same.

This may be off topic but I have noticed that many men shoot for the bottom of the barrel, even if they want hot women. I figure if I want a hot woman I should approach one.:)

Now this answer is the dumb male stereo type answer. See it's actually a dumb male who actually thinks that just because a woman doesn't have the looks or figure of a model. That they are going to be that grateful that a man took interest in her that she will fall into bed with him. You could also call him the coward. As he's that scared of the image that the 'hot woman' gives off. That he is scared to approach her and actually make contact in a way of asking for a date.

At my age I tend to go "oh yes that's nice" when you see a hot woman. But your more after a relationship so will only approach when you've found a little more about her.

So was that in the study as I couldn't be bothered to look or have the time to read it?
Nothing more to say than what has already been said, I think on average most men want an attractive woman as a mate, but like the study stated people tend to know who they can get and do not deviate far from that group. People that are nice looking don't want to be with someone they find unattractive, which is also self explanitory. I guess the whole study is really, and I am just rambling. Men and women want basically the same things out of a relationship, however some men tend to be unsatisfied with one partner forever and that is what women are trying to find.
News flash! Water has finally been classified as being wet! An exhaustive study costing millions has determined that yes- water is wet!
