Strange thing happened to me last night...

Something really strange happened to me.? I asked a girl out whom I am very cool with. She burst out laughing at me and asked me a few times "are you serious"? When she finally found out that I was serious, she said "okay". I told her to forget about it since the laughing turned me off (a simple 'no' would have sufficed) but she said that she laughed because she was nervous and because I'm always joking around (which is true) and she didn't know if I was being serious or not. She did end up saying yes, we can go out "as friends" but the laughing just turned me off and I told her to forget about it. She was kinda shocked that I un-asked her and told me "don't be that way" and told me that we'd continue the conversation on Monday (we both work together). (I deleted my previous post and added more stuff now). I pretty much have no shot I would imagine, right? lol


Postal Paranoiac
The "as friends" tag should have given you the red flag. The fact that she laughed for any reason indicates that she doesn't take you seriously as a romantic partner. If you think you can convince her that you have feelings beyond friendship and she is receptive, go ahead. Let her know right away you want more than just friendship. If she isn't interested, move on and forget about her. There are 6 billion people on this planet and over half of them are women.


Hiliary 2020
Its all because US society has put the pussy on a pedestal, and this is one of the results you get from it.
I could just here it now " Are you like, stheriouss ?" .
Don't get me started on this one.
My advice would be not only don't take her out, but never even acknowledge her presence again in any form, shape or way.
Oh and learn a non arab foriegn language.

Damn, that's cold man. The "just friends" line is never a good one, and the fact that she laughed in your face, that is just downright mean if you ask me. That is the problem with being the "funny guy" sometimes people just can't take you seriously. It has happened to me more than once and I can totally feel your pain.
I might be able to get over the fact that she laughed because, as you mentioned, you like to joke a lot. She may have thought you were kidding, but for her to say that you can go out as "just friends", that just about kills it for me. The fact that both of those things happened in the same conversation means that there will never be anything. Forget about her.

Will E Worm

but she said that she laughed because she was nervous and because I'm always joking around (which is true)

If it is true, maybe she just thought you were joking.

I'd go out with her and see what happens. You have nothing to lose.

I might be able to get over the fact that she laughed because, as you mentioned, you like to joke a lot. She may have thought you were kidding, but for her to say that you can go out as "just friends", that just about kills it for me. The fact that both of those things happened in the same conversation means that there will never be anything. Forget about her.

Her exact words were "not a 'real' date but yeah we can go out". She didn't say "just as friends" but I guess that implies it.
Yup, the laugh plus the "just friends" line pretty much sums it up - forget about that and just move on.

Stories like this, actually, are my main reason to always keep my mouth shut when I find myself liking a girl and to quickly forget her.
The "as friends" tag should have given you the red flag. The fact that she laughed for any reason indicates that she doesn't take you seriously as a romantic partner. If you think you can convince her that you have feelings beyond friendship and she is receptive, go ahead. Let her know right away you want more than just friendship. If she isn't interested, move on and forget about her. There are 6 billion people on this planet and over half of them are women.

Spot on.

Listen dude, she clearly thinks that you are in the "friends only" category. Not a very promising sign, if you know how to read women [I do]. The only way you can change her perspective and have her tear into you is when you unzip your pants and show her your 9 inch pecker. If you have what it takes, then turnabout is fair play.

Yeah, the going out on a "non date" thing is a dead give away.....


Be the Jedi Pimp Master that the "funny guy" can be.

Take the girl out and be the center of attention wherever you go, if its at a bar... use your funny qualities to get yourself noticed by other girls and make sure she sees it!

Oh, once you get some attention from other girls... don't give her to much attention. Just a nod or something to let her know that this could have been her, and now she's S.O.L.

Its cold, I know... but she has to learn that just cuz your a nice, funny guy, doesn't mean you don't have anything to offer.

You never had a shot with her, so live it up in front of her. Maybe next time she won't laugh at the next "funny guy".

Spot on.

Listen dude, she clearly thinks that you are in the "friends only" category. Not a very promising sign, if you know how to read women [I do]. The only way you can change her perspective and have her tear into you is when you unzip your pants and show her your 9 inch pecker. If you have what it takes, then turnabout is fair play.


I agree, just whip out your cock, that always works for me!
she emailed me this last night:

"You're silly! I am sorry, I didnt mean to laugh, I thought u were joking! I did not mean to hurt your sensitive feelings :p I still like u ! talk to you on monday. :)"

wth? lol
Sounds to me thats she wants to stay your friend, so stay friends with her. Dont lose a frined because of this. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say :hatsoff:
Sounds to me thats she wants to stay your friend, so stay friends with her. Dont lose a frined because of this. There are plenty of fish in the sea as they say :hatsoff:

I have no problem getting girls but I just wanted that one in particular-that sucks. I guess I should just stop being such an ass all the time lol.
I think you should go ahead with the date anyway. just try to kiss her when you are droping her home... they way she reacts will indicate how she feels.
How about a friendly date where you have zero expectation going in and just try to get to know her more and make her laugh? Then see if there's a chemistry developing between the two of you before you decide the next step. If she still treats you like a friend then forget about her and move on to other girls.