Something really strange happened to me.? I asked a girl out whom I am very cool with. She burst out laughing at me and asked me a few times "are you serious"? When she finally found out that I was serious, she said "okay". I told her to forget about it since the laughing turned me off (a simple 'no' would have sufficed) but she said that she laughed because she was nervous and because I'm always joking around (which is true) and she didn't know if I was being serious or not. She did end up saying yes, we can go out "as friends" but the laughing just turned me off and I told her to forget about it. She was kinda shocked that I un-asked her and told me "don't be that way" and told me that we'd continue the conversation on Monday (we both work together). (I deleted my previous post and added more stuff now). I pretty much have no shot I would imagine, right? lol