Straight from the NRA

the NRA is not the real friend to gun owners that many think it is. The NRA has actually sold gun owners down the river. The NRA makes deals with the government at the expense of the constitutional rights of American citizens. If the NRA was really about the rights of gun owners, we would have more rights than we do.
First of all, why didn't you just post this, in response to my post, in the thread it belongs in?

Second, if you want flawed statistics, the only place WORSE to go to, is the coalition against gun violence...they both make their money on fear mongering, if you want to know the truth, you use the FBI crime statistics.

Third, and last, I never said it was gospel truth, it was sent to me, in an e-mail from a friend, and I copied and pasted it. The fact is, many of those companies, DO IN FACT buy parts for their guns, from the same suppliers. When you buy a Bushmaster, it very well may have the same upper, or lower receiver as a DPMS.

But yet you post unproven lies. You post nonsense as the truth to try to frighten people. So, basically you are a factually challenged, hysterical douche.....thanks for finally admitting it.

By posting lies, you are a disgusting, fear mongering, pathetic liar.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
But yet you post unproven lies. You post nonsense as the truth to try to frighten people. So, basically you are a factually challenged, hysterical douche.....thanks for finally admitting it.

By posting lies, you are a disgusting, fear mongering, pathetic liar.

Seriously! Sorry, I never realized EVERY SINGLE POST you've ever made was absolute gospel. You seem a tad hypocritical calling me a hysterical douche, when you react the way you have, over a simple misunderstanding about a post, that IS NOT that big of a deal, and not completely untrue.