Stormy Daniels arrested for letting horny fellas touch her on the whatever

So, we're gonna have a shitstorm because a pornstar had some sexual contacts with patrons during a performance in a strip club ? Seriously, there's gonna ge va shitstorm because a pornstar is actually a whore ?

Also, prostitution, ? Seriously ? I mean why would she do that. She's a famous pornstar (who already had a reputation among porn fans before her affair with Trump was revealed), if she needs money she only need to make a phonecall to appear in a TV show and get paid big money. Or she could sign a deal to appear in some sort of Trump-style remake of Who's Nailing Paylin ?
in violation of state law barring anyone who is not a family member from touching a dancer who is either nude or semi-nude.

Umm... That's my sister you son of a bitch! :1orglaugh
Charges dropped less than 24 hours after her arrest. Too many things happening lately that was taking her name out of the news.

Total publicity stunt by her pimp Avenatti and the prosecutor’s office.
Police Chief: Stormy Daniels Should Not Have Been Arrested; Will Investigate Officers’ Motivation

Soon after criminal charges against Stormy Daniels were dropped by prosecutors, the chief of police in Columbus, Ohio admitted that the arrest shouldn’t have happened in the first place, TMZ reported.
Daniels was arrested early Thursday morning after her performance at Sirens, a local strip club. An Ohio law prohibits nude or semi-nude dancers at clubs in the state from touching customers, and Daniels reportedly groped undercover police officers during her performance, including touching the breasts and butt of a female cop.

She was promptly arrested, even though the law states that the prohibition against touching is for dancers who “regularly” perform at a club in Ohio. The statute clearly defines “regularly” as “consistently or repeatedly.” Prosecutors acknowledged that there was no evidence that this description fit Daniels, who was a guest performer at Sirens on the night in questions, and they moved to dismiss the case.

Chief Kim Jacobs told the gossip site that the she agrees Daniels’ arrest never should have happened, and is going to look into why officers took her in.
“While the presence of Vice officers at this establishment is reasonable, the motivations behind the officers’ actions will be reviewed internally,” Chief Jacobs said.

Daniels was supposed to perform at the club again the following night, but canceled. Her lawyer, Michael Avenatti, said he thinks the officers who arrested his client “knew exactly what they were doing,” and that he is going to investigate the matter. He said legal action against the police may be a possibility.

Leaked E-Mails Suggest Stormy Daniels’s Strip-Club Arrest Was, Indeed, a Setup

Two weeks ago, during an Ohio stop on her “Making America Horny Again” tour, Stormy Daniels was arrested by plainclothes officers. As they wrote in documents filed to the Franklin County Municipal Court, the adult performer was touching clients, which is against the law in the state. Daniels, whose given name is Stephanie Clifford and is known nationally for the lawsuits revolving around her alleged tryst with President Donald Trump and the ensuing “hush agreement,” was charged with three violations of “illegal sexually oriented activity in a sexually oriented business.” The charges were dropped less than 12 hours later.

Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs later defended her officers’ right to be in the club, but called the arrest a “mistake,” and announced an investigation behind the “motivation” of the officers. Daniels’s media-savvy lawyer Michael Avenatti demanded that the investigation be “open,” and floated the idea that social-media accounts linked to arresting officers before being deleted were aggressively pro-Trump.

The department’s initial statement on July 12 was that the Vice unit went to the club “as part of a long-term investigation into allegations of human trafficking, prostitution, [and] other vice related violations,” and that they “engage in these operations routinely with no effect on other calls for service.” But purported e-mails obtained by local paper Fayette Advocate suggest a more targeted approach.

Detective Shana Keckley, one of the three arresting officers, allegedly e-mailed herself videos and photos of Daniels a day before the arrest was made, as well as a map to Sirens
, the club where Daniels had advertised on her social channels that she would be performing. After the arrest, in the morning of July 12, she allegedly wrote to another officer, “You’re Welcome!!!!! [. . .] Thank me in person later,” but did not refer to Daniels by name.

The Columbus Division of Police told Vanity Fair they can’t comment on the nature of these e-mails due to the ongoing investigation. Avenatti, meanwhile, is claiming vindication, tweeting in response, “This is extremely disturbing. I intend on getting to [the] truth and the bottom of who ordered @StormyDaniels arrested and why. It appears that I was correct when I stated it was politically motivated.”

Forget the story about detectives being in that club for a different investigation and arresting Stormy Daniels for touching them, which is prohibited in Ohio : These detectives were their specifically for Stormy Daniels and they arrested her despite the fact that she hadn't broke any law.
Now the questions that stays unanswered is wether they acted on their own or wether they had orders to arrest Daniels, maybe even orders from Washington...