While I understand the boob job for practical reasons such as post breast feeding, having the ability to make more money in the adult industry with bigger boobs and so on... I do truly believe that most women would do just fine with what they have being genetically assigned. Also, its been my experience, with girls I have met at least, that most of them are just seeking attention, and to my mind, elective body modification tricks these girls into thinking that they are receiving the desired result: attention. When in fact, its just negative, objectifying attention, which is neither beneficial nor sincere. Which ultimately falsely builds up their self-esteem, usually to have it come crashing down after the allure of the procedure wears off, and they realize that they are still not happy with themselves.
Having said that, I will certainly stare at most pairs of big fakies like its the last time I'm going to see me some boobs, after all, I am a male, I think boob-staring is in our genetic makeup. But, realizing that the procedure was done, in most cases, as an easy way for women to get attention and feel better about themselves is really doing these same women a disservice, and in the end is not a genuine way to permanently raise one's self-esteem.
:2 cents: