Get the fear of rejection out of your head and talk to some women. If you do not a decade will pass and you will still be a virgin.
I agree.
If you're not dating at all, there's a good chance you're unwilling to take chances, far too self-conscious, too afraid of rejection.
You're 28 years old and you've never had a girlfriend. Most people already think you're a loser, so if you're burdened with fears about perception, you really have nothing else to lose. Taking chances can only improve your non-existent love life. If you ask out a thousand women, and only one responds positively, you're in a better position than if you ask out none at all.
Don't give a damn what people think of you. Force yourself to grow a thicker skin. It's obviously important to balance this with the obvious societal and moral concerns -- you don't go doing something that's going to hurt someone, or do something that will lose you your job. But if someone laughs at you or thinks less of you for failing to hook up with that hottie, so what? Fuck 'em. Your worth as a human being is not determined by what other human beings think of you.
While it's a good idea to develop that kind of attitude, it's also okay to bear in mind that it can be difficult to shake fears and doubts completely. Virtually everyone still worries about rejection from time to time -- you're in the same boat as everyone else in that regard. But at some point (usually during adolescence), most people realise that the pain of inaction and regret is far worse than the pain of rejection. For whatever reason, you've never made that cognitive leap, but perhaps now is the time for you.
A large portion of confidence comes from practice, familiarity and that thicker skin. Actually talking to girls often will make you more comfortable around them. Regularly trying to charm women will probably make you better at actually charming them. Funny how that works, isn't it?
In the end, you've got to ask yourself... do you want to live the rest of your life trying to improve, or are you all ready to give up?