steve jobs will bring us "freedom from porn"


Was I talking to you? :thefinger


Brilliant idea, Steve! I've tied myself to the entrance gate of Evil Angel Productions, went on hungerstrike and sing for "We Shall Overcome" for 18 hours a day. Anybody feels like joining me?

I will but I will be singing an alternative song:

I don't disagree with Jobs. It's still far to easy for porn to be stumbled upon even with filters.

People who don't want to see porn popping up occasionally in their searches ought to be free from it IMO.

From what I read, he's not implying nor advocating porn be eliminated.

I agree with you. It is too easy, and should be fixed.
Never trust Vegans. :thefinger

Why can't he just be happy being the ceo of the most important and greatest tech company on the planet?

When narcissism converts to "a messianic quest" (in this case to decide to be morality police) -- that is when the downfall begins...:weeping:

All this really is about is Jobs not wanting to pay royalties to Adobe..TTT!
Liver transplant, you say? Is he some kind of drunkard or something? He is a skinny bastard.

He's had multiple bouts with cancer, most recently pancreatic.

But more to the topic, I still have no idea why anyone would let him tell you what you want and don't, but there are die-hards out there that live and die by his word, it's absolutely ridiculous.
He's had multiple bouts with cancer, most recently pancreatic.

But more to the topic, I still have no idea why anyone would let him tell you what you want and don't, but there are die-hards out there that live and die by his word, it's absolutely ridiculous.

Yeah, because we all know nobody actually ever intentionally searches for porn. It just poops up before them without warning. :rolleyes:

Nobody is stupid enough to believe the excuse anymore that porn just suddenly popped up on them. In my entire time of being on the Internet, I only think there was a few times when even some search on an Internet search engine had links that inadvertently came up to things with porn and that was quite some time ago. Even then it was always obvious those links weren't what you wanted.

I will admit that spam e-mail with it is still somewhat of a minor problem, but porn just suddenly popping up on somebody was just an excuse that some husband told his wife or some kid told his parents or some other similar situation when caught with it after they were looking at it.

Almost ever single time somebody ends up with porn it's because somebody was looking for it.