STDiva needs your advice. Again.

What should I do?

  • Join the band. Chances like this don't come around that often.

    Votes: 25 54.3%
  • Go to South Korea. Tim to grow up and be a man.

    Votes: 10 21.7%
  • Why do you always ask us for advice? Don't you have any friends?

    Votes: 4 8.7%
  • Kill yourself.

    Votes: 7 15.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well I'm practicing with them tomorrow. As long as I don't shit the bed, I'm in.


Why all the kill yourself votes? No love for STD??


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
^ Well, if you kill yourself you could form a rock band with Satan, Ghandi and JFK.

If there is one thing I learnt from Guitar Hero and Tenacious D, it's that Satan can rock.
Tough decision. I think one really important thing to take into consideration is how much money you have saved up. The less you have saved, the more risky the band option becomes.

I didn't notice if you mentioned where you live currently, but if you are in the USA, healthcare is the big concern. What if you get in an accident, or have get some sort of health problem? I'm gonna guess you probably have health insurance now, but what kind of coverage will you have if you leave your job?

If you can leave your job, and can still manage to get good, affordable healthcare, then I say go for the band gig. If not, I'd advise against it. Not being able to pay for medical bills is probably one of the top things that bankrupts people.

What genre of music STD?

Porngrind? Please tell me it's Porngrind......

Adult contemporary mathcore-slam-metal.

Srsly though, it's kinda poppy, kinda jazzy, kinda dancy. Arctic Monkeys, Tokyo Police Clubish. Nothing groundbreaking, just fun music. I dig it. I'll post some stuff once/if things get rolling.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
If I were in your place, this is exactly what I'd be thinking: "Why the hell would I wanna go to some shit hole like Korea?" If you're hellbent on going there, though, it'll still be there in a year or two (the north may have taken over it, but it'll still be there). You should do the band thing for a while, and then move on if you need to.

On the other hand, Hissy is in Korea... :lovecoupl :dunno: ;)

lol parts of Korea definitely SMELL like a shit hole! I think you should join the band, I mean its not everyday you have that opportunity so just do it and if everything works out then you better not forget about us little people here on freeones :p and if not then come to Korea and we can have lunch :) (I swear there is TONS more to eat here then just fish lol) So I say join the band, though not to discredit esl teachers out here in Korea, because an esl teacher is the first person I had a threesome with lol

Alright come clean. You saw those pix of Hissy's rack and you've come under their ~spell~ and you're ready to pack up and move over there to be near them.

hahah well I can personally guarantee that mine will be one of the only pair of big boobs that he will be near out here in Korea because, well lets be straight, Asian women aren't very busty lol
Adult contemporary mathcore-slam-metal.

Srsly though, it's kinda poppy, kinda jazzy, kinda dancy. Arctic Monkeys, Tokyo Police Clubish. Nothing groundbreaking, just fun music. I dig it. I'll post some stuff once/if things get rolling.

Nice, I'll look forward to hearing it when you do.
1) Is the guy who writes the songs a twat?

2) Is he a twat about money?

If the answer to either of these questions is yes then PM me and I will put you in touch with so many disgruntled musos that will bend your ear off on this topic that you will swim to fucking Korea (North) just to get away from them.

What I am saying is that there are bands and there are bands. If you can't trust the other guys regarding everything that happens when you are not actually playing then even if you "make it" it isn't going to be worth doing.

One thing about being an old fart is that these days a load of my friends who are musicians can work a regular job, play out for shits and giggles at the weekend and record their own stuff. Back in the vinyl era even the independent labels didn't want to fork out on a band that wouldn't hit the road to promote a record. Recording costs and knocking out a CD (and these days a download) have changed all that.

My advice: keep working and having fun with the band at the same time, until you are sure you have got something that people want and that the other trustworthy people in the group are committed in the same way.
A family member of mine is about to go to South Korea to teach ESL.

I say do what you love, go for the band. You should do what you want in your life, this is the U.S.A. and you can do whatever you want. If music is your passion, go with that.


Closed Account
Oh if only I had come back to the States some years back I would have tried to get into music then I would have been able to play around the States and would probably be rich maybe even have my own CD and be well know maybe have lots of money and be married to Jennifer Love Hewitt or Jeri Ryan or Lacey Chabert or Gianna Michaels and have a nice plot and and and maybe got into movies

Coulda shoulda woulda.

Fortunately I did land up playing gigs and stuff in SA for several years, which was great fun. I MIGHT have had a CD had I come here. There again, the prospect of traveling around this country, while great fun on the one hand, actually is kind of great fun on the other hand too.


You know what is funny is I landed up sleeping on the streets a little bit after all after arriving in the States; the very thing I had been anxious to avoid all those years back.

Well, I would go with the band idea, if it is real. If it bombs, well, you could start your own ensemble. So that's your unknown unknown.

South Korea seems to be an known unknown. Or to what extent is it an known unknown?

Either way, your clear choice is either office work here in the USA or office work in South Korea.

Most people - parents especially - would say better to keep your job, as that way 'you have something to fall back on', do music as a hobby, hummana hummana, the economy blah blah blah. It was this voice in my head that stopped me from pursuing my dream. I am convinced, as I am a reasonably handsome fella, I could indeed have at least been in films. Even if I landed up being slated years later by papparazzi as the fat yobbo has been on the beach years later, I would still have more money than 90% of Americans.

Still, enjoyment and the journey is the thing, not money. As long as you are sure you can work, set aside money for when you grow old and decrepit and nobody wants you anymore and you are a drain on society and why don't you just eff off and die already, you are OK.

I did indeed play at gigs, eat grub at posh hotels and game lodges, and bring entertainment and fun to countless hundreds. What a trip.

If music is in your blood, STDiva, you need to go for this dream. Otherwise, you know what will happen years later. It will be


You need to draw up a list of pros and cons.

Steady job in the USA. Dissatisfied. Move to S.Korea. Something could go wrong. Stay in current job. Bored to tears, need to expand. Join band. Something could go wrong, but need to be master of my own destiny.

I dunno. Do a pros and cons list.

Orrr, you could have a band in S. Korea. Play Merkin music.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Chase your Dream dude... you can always fallback on your education to find yourself a job if the band doesn't work out. goodluck brother. :glugglug::hatsoff:
Dude, you guys should totally call your band The Kim Jong Eels.

And for your stage show you could all dress up like this guy.


Fuck Slipknot and KISS......that shit would rock! :banger:

And think of the song possibilities.

It's Not Easy Being Dictator
Compensating For Somethin
Little Man - Big Personality

Hells Yeah!
How about...
Have Missiles Will Fire
Elvis was a Commie like Me
I lurve American Women
Socky Sucky Sailor Sailor
These Boots Were Made for Marching

We need an update from the OP...:wave2:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS is my life.

So my question to you is, do I accept this position in the band, throw away the $1200 I spent on the course and chase a dream? Or do I just leave for South Korea, grow up, accept that most people hate what they do for a living and learn to deal with it.

From personal experience, I can tell you the following...

Don't give up on your dream. Don't ever give up. No matter what other people think, no matter what other people say...don't ever give up.

I made the mistake of giving up one of my dreams a few years back and I've lived my life with nothing but regret ever since then. I tried to do what I was "supposed" to do, but it got me absolutely nowhere. I'm not happy and I'm not satisfied with life because I'm not doing what I want to be doing. I was doing what everybody else wanted me to do for a long, long time and I hated every minute of it. It wasn't until recently that I started doing things because I wanted to be doing them. Is it too late for me? Eh, who knows. All I know is that I don't want anybody to make the same mistake I did.

Chase your dream until you catch it.
while I ticked "Why do you always ask us for advice? Don't you have any friends?" ( I couldn't help myself;)) I reckon you should join the band.... the teaching will always be there, even if its not in Sth Korea.

Good luck!!

mr google

Nothing worse then looking back on what might have been. You've got to try to live the dream. Dreams can come true.