What a bunch of tasteless SOBs we have here. What fun it was to read all the tweets from the various Trump sycophants bitching and moaning about the service. The insecurity with these people is incredible. McCain's death signals the end of an era. He's the last of his breed. McCain never claimed to be perfect. He made mistakes. Just like everyone else. But what made him different was that he admitted when he was wrong. He took responsibility. And never tried to pass the blame onto someone else. That's rare in Washington. That's because he lived by a code. A code of decency and integrity. Something these politicians today wouldn't know about. And to hear Trump supporters call for class and decency is beyond laughable that it's actually sad at this point. His name wasn't even mentioned. I saw the speeches and I don't remember anyone using offensive language. What does that tell you about these people that they see every little comment as an insult of Dear Leader? insecure much? It's easy to be against something but it's much more difficult to be for something. The people at that memorial weren't against something as much as they were for something. They were for honor, for decency, for integrity, for freedom. Frankly John McCain had more integrity in his pinky than most of these politicians today have in their entire body.