The critical point is reached when you start finding Amy Winehouse attractive.
The critical point is reached when you start finding Amy Winehouse attractive.
You Might have to release the hostages yourself for a while until you meet that certain someone who will give you a little somethin' somethin'.
When can a diagnoses of sexually starved officially be made?
I must be close now. I think I am getting depressed.
7 months!
The critical point is reached when you start finding Amy Winehouse attractive.
The point where you go from woman to woman, at the bus stops, in the streets, in bars, clubs, etc, (until some hulking bozo knocks your lights out), asking, "Please ma'am may I take you home and have my wicked way with you?"
You will find someone. You have to. It's almost statistically impossible not to. All the tall, dark and handsome's have already been taken. Those that aren't are players. Catch my drift?
Spewing out the most amount of goo is easy !Try going 8 months straight w/o sex and you go to bed with your spouce EVERY night.
Pah!!... 7 months!! Get back to us at the 15 month mark.
Spewing out the most amount of goo is easy !
8 months together every night and nø sex ? That would be a measure of A MAN !
Most ''men'' today wouldn't understand what I'm getting at. 8 months as described is character building stuff...old school ! :bowdown:
And that was after the baby was born and she was cleared to have sex.