Clarification (because sloppy reading or sloppy writing, or a combination, I do not know?):
I've now heard the Conservatives talking about "sweet tree huggers" and how the country would be run over, and over-taken, by terrorists and militant groups, if the Liberals/Democrats ever got in power again.
Do everyone really honestly believe that? If not, please vote "Yes" in this thread. And my text here is, as I've stated in the text, and several times in this thread, a hypothetical "What If?" scenario.
It's "What if?" the laws where changed, and I could run for president in at least 14 years from now, would you support me, or the Conservatives?
I've also stated in the text that I do not expect to be able to get all those things through as a president, but also sitting in other positions in the politcal hierarchy during my lifetime, both before and after my precidency.
I've wrote it together, to see if civil liberties, equal rights, education and social welfare is something important.
To see if people connect civil liberties and equal rights with something "evil", as the Conservatives wants to depict it, or if there are people who actually thinks it's something fair and reasonable.