Actually, these last years, Democrats won when they ran as progressives. When they ran as republican wannabees, they loosePlease do and please win the nomination.
George McGovern redux.
As much as I can't stand identity politics there's no getting around that it's in play. Jeb Bush is married to a latina. He's pro something or other about amnesty.
Didn't W get the highest % of latino votes of any GOP candidate since forever?
That was then. This is now. Don't look for that to happen again anytime soon. A majority of Asians also voted for Reagan back in the day. But by 2012, almost three-quarters of them voted for Obama. Though by differing margins, the same thing is true of Hispanics and Jews. This new look GOP has somehow, some way managed to shrink Reagan's big tent party into a regional party that can't do much outside the deep South and the Midwest. A lot of people voted for Obama (myself included) not so much because they/we were in love with him, but because they/we were disgusted by the rabble that has taken over the GOP in the last 15 years or so. Where is the next Jack Kemp? And what happened to John McCain? His brain used to function fairly well... before he got tangled up with that trailer dweller, Caribou Barbie, from Alaska. Paul Ryan is not a moron. If you can find some of his earlier unfiltered writings, he actually has some rather intriguing fiscal policy ideas. But in order for him to be able to present his economic ideas, he has to play along with the raw-meat eating knuckle-draggers. Gotta feed them bears.
I think Jeb Bush would be the front runner if he decides to throw his hat in.
To be honest, the only thing I have against Jeb is his last name. Well, his first name doesn't do much for me either. But I'd make myself vote for a Jeb (especially over a Hillary). But I don't know about putting another Bush in the White House - and no more Clintons either! The first Bush was a wet dish rag obsessed with foreign policy and the second one came THIS close to destroying the Republic. OK, maybe Barbara. She seems like a nice enough grandmotherly type. She's almost 90, but she surely has better sense than her boy, Duhbya.
Actually, these last years, Democrats won when they ran as progressives. When they ran as republican wannabees, they loose
Democrats have won the Presidency (there's only been Clinton and Obama since the 1970's) when they've presented themselves as moderates or centrists. I think "progressive" is just the new word for liberal, right? Yeah, I don't look for that to work so well. Why do I think that? Well, since his last win, Obama has run to the left faster than a fat kid eats cake. And now, about the only things more unpopular than him is Congress... and Onion Gum.
America is still a center-right country. Both socially and economically, we have moved substantially to the left in my lifetime. But as a country, we don't have much desire for extremists on the left or the right. But hopefully the Democrats will make the same mistake the Republicans have made (find every loopy-headed wingnut that has a head full of flakey ideas) and run them for national office at every opportunity. The only hope that people like me have is that the two main gangs... I mean, parties, will self-destruct and implode. Then maybe some third party will form, supported by the kinds of people I met when I was involved in United We Stand. I know it will never happen. But a man has to have a dream to keep him going.
Obama has run to the left ?! Seriously ?Obama has run to the left faster than a fat kid eats cake. And now, about the only things more unpopular than him is Congress... and Onion Gum.
If you consider Warren to be extrem-left, you have no idea about what is the Left (and then I can understand why yo usay Obama runs to the left). Warren is center-leftAmerica is still a center-right country. Both socially and economically, we have moved substantially to the left in my lifetime. But as a country, we don't have much desire for extremists on the left or the right.
Obama has run to the left ?! Seriously ?
Apart from Obama-care (which, basically is what Romney did in Massachusetts), what did he did that makes you think he has run to the left. And I mean what did he did, not what did he said . Because during both campaigns he made a lot of liberal promises andsaid he was in favor of a lot of liberal stuff but as a president, he never actually did anything. He did not raised the federal minimum wage, he did not change the gun legislation, he did not legalize marriage or any form of civil union to gay people, he choosed an anti-death penalty Generalm Attorney but Holder or Obama did not change the law on this issue.
What Obama actually did is bailing-out the automotive industry and the banks. And that is certainly not what anyone could call "running to the left".
If you consider Warren to be extrem-left, you have no idea about what is the Left (and then I can understand why yo usay Obama runs to the left). Warren is center-left
The medias want you to think she's extrem-left because they are sold-out to the banks and the banks think Warren is the Devil.
I'm pretty sure that, if he really wanted to, he could have done much more than what he did on these issues. But Obama (and the Democrats) are ALWAYS looking for common ground with Republicans, they are always looking for a consensus, they always bargain with republicans. And boy they are bad at bargaining 'cause they usually set-up for 30% of what they wanted and 70% of what republicans wanted.What you forget is that these things you say he didn't do, he did want to do... but he simply did not have the Constitutional power to do (on his own).
I agree but this is not what I call "running to the left"And the automotive (and banking) bailout was actually started under Bush, not Obama. He did go above and beyond by facilitating a fast-track bankruptcy for GM (and Chrysler) and I'm very thankful that he did. The people who opposed that have no idea how much damage would have been done to our economy if our automotive industry had collapsed. They say Ford would have been OK. Problem is, Ford released a statement just recently that without a supplier base, they would have had to declare bankruptcy too.
Ok but what did he got done, what did he achieved that qualifies as "running to the left" ? NothingAnd I'm not talking about Obamacare in his first term. My perception that he has run to the left is based on his speeches, memorandums and executive orders since his re-election. This is not the same guy who was debating Romney, trying to portray himself as a centrist. It most certainly *seems* (to me and certain others) that he has focused too much on appeasing the far left over middle America since his re-election. Do most middle-of-the-road, middle class Americans agree or disagree with him on his (second term) positions on immigration, amnesty for illegal immigrants, forcing private businesses to hire people who cannot speak the language of the land, etc.?
I'm pretty sure that, if he really wanted to, he could have done much more than what he did on these issues. But Obama (and the Democrats) are ALWAYS looking for common ground with Republicans, they are always looking for a consensus, they always bargain with republicans. And boy they are bad at bargaining 'cause they usually set-up for 30% of what they wanted and 70% of what republicans wanted.
I agree but this is not what I call "running to the left"
Ok but what did he got done, what did he achieved that qualifies as "running to the left" ? Nothing
Obama is Center at most. He might even qualify for Center-Right but he's certainly not Left.
When the Democrats had the numbers to pass legislation, I don't recall much bargaining going on. Admittedly, the GOP was VERY hard to work with at that time (and now). But no, I can't name one piece of legislation where Obama and the Democrats struck a bargain, unless they had to to get the necessary votes. And what exactly could Obama have done (independent of Congress) that he hasn't done by way of Executive Order? He wanted gun control. Couldn't do it on his own. Wasted his breath by sending Jargon Joe Biden out to tell people to fire their guns in the air if they saw somebody on their property (which is illegal in every jurisdiction that I'm aware of).
I didn't say it was. My point was (as you offered that example), other than the GM/Chrysler fast-track bankruptcy portion, that horse was already running when Obama jumped on his back.
Well, we could easily point to his expansion of Medicaid (a 100% program that largely supports non-working and/or under-employed Americans who have various issues... some real, some make-believe) at the expense of Medicare (an 80% program that largely assists elderly, middle class Americans who HAVE worked and are now retired) and more recently, his policy (or lack of policy) on illegal immigration. IMO, his support of gender based (biased) affirmative action pay schemes and/or quotas puts him on the left, as a way to satisfy the rad feminists in the Democrat party. Sending out the EEOC and DoJ to harass and/or sue small business employers who do not/cannot hire non-English speakers, qualifies as pandering to the left, IMO. If he feels so damn strongly about that, let him hire some Secret Service agents who can't speak English. And when someone screams "gun!!", they'll look at each other and go :dunno: while he belly-crawls to safety on his own. The way I see it, if it's good for us, it should be good for him too. There's certainly more things. But those are high on my mind right now.
Well, that's your perception. But as I live here in the U.S., it's not mine. As I said, I think he *was* mostly centrist in the beginning. But it does seem to me that he has sprinted to the left. The only areas that I can think of where he would qualify as center-right would be his Middle East policies and his support of domestic spying. He's damn near a neo-con in those areas - damn near, not totally.
Again, even with the Taliban faction of the GOP to deal with, I feel that he *could* have done SO MUCH more with respect to fiscal policy. Neither he nor the dumbass Republicans have helped this economy. I continue to give Ben Bernanke and the Fed the overwhelming majority of the credit for getting us back on track. All I can hope is that Obama's affirmative action/token appointment, Janet "Yanet" Yellen, doesn't screw up what Ben put in place. And Obama could have struck a deal that would have balanced his desire for a higher minimum wage with tax incentives for small businesses (since that's who would be most affected by a higher minimum wage). Has he done that? No! And with some thought, I believe there would be a way to construct a tax holiday, so that the massive piles of cash overseas could be repatriated. Money that's re-invested or used to expand domestic operations would be taxed at a very low tax rate. That would explode this economy - and it would not add to the deficit. In fact, the dramatic growth expansion would decrease the deficit. Money that's returned to shareholders, or passed out as bonuses to the C-suite crowd, would be taxed at a rate just below what they'd have to pay now. Still a deal, but not nearly as good as they'd have if they re-invested the money. The CEO's who wouldn't take that deal, he could shame from the bully-pulpit. I think that's been one of his greatest failings: the things that really would have received broad populist support, he has not brought forth and gotten the support of (non-extremist) American voters. I really think the tax holiday (properly constructed) would do it. But the "all corporations and rich people are evil" faction of the party won't go for it. So I don't expect Obama to try to push that through. I hope he does. But I no longer expect it.
Well fuck! I agree almost completely with this entire post. Either you are suffering a bit of Obama fatigue or my perception of you was a bit clouded before I was given the time out.
Anyway, that was a nice read.
Yeah...I might stand ON hillary, but I would vote for just about anybody else before her. If the Republicans could field a decent candidate, that didn't start every speech with how evil abortion is, and what a waste of money birth control is....maybe there would be a chance to get one back in office. Although, I kind of think the people are getting tired of the bullshit the democrats are pulling, and starting to see, there really isn't much difference between the 2 parties.
Hillary Clinton is one of the most evil people to ever hold a position of power.
Going back to even before hubby was Governor she has been up to her head, no buried in corruption and abuse of power.
I could list all the things in order but why bother, it is all FACTS that can be easily found if you haven't been paying attention for the last 25 years.
She also has a political record of complete failure.
But if the Dems think she has the best chance they will go with her even though they treated her like a plague rat as soon as Barry showed up in 2007.
To that party its about power and control , destroying everything that took 400 years to create.......just so a very few mega rich folks can control all of us.
And of course the media will continue to tell us how great and popular she is even though probably 3/4 of the US people can't stand even looking at her.
So yes they will go with her and if elected and she will cause even more irreversible damage to the country just like her predecessor has been doing for the past 6+ years.
All republicans are anti abortion?
All start off their speeches talking about what a waste of money birth control is?
I did not know this Rev.
Aint no one trying to take away the right for a women to get laid, get pregnant ,go to an abortion doctor and have the babies brains scrambled and vacuumed out .
They'll they even pay for it with tax money.
The abortion issue as well as homosexual rights and the "war on women" that is all the rage these days are just used as distractions by used the Dems to evade real problems that need solutions now.
They've been doing it for years, please don't buy what they are selling.
So, in other words, you didn't get one bit smarter during your hiatus. I mean, nice to see you back but this...this is ridiculous even for you.
Yep, it's ridiculous.
Nice to see you too.
My hiatus from here was because the board turned too much into an insult-fest. Too little conversation or debate and too much lazy cheap shot insults.
Sad to see looks like that hasn't changed much.
Well, as soon as the GOP shuts up about homosexual (civil) rights and the War on Women, we'll be happy to take the win and move on to your real problems. Because who really cares about Civil Rights anyway?
I don't know. Lets ask the Christians who lived at Mount Carmel about civil rights. Oh that's right we can't , the Clintons killed them.
Or all the people , mostly innocent people who the clintons have destroyed over the years.........or the scores of women Bill has assaulted and harassed.
But really there is nothing to win because all those issues are fake. They don't exist.
Clintons are pure evil. They have no good intentions for anybody but themselves and their bank account.
Don't believe it, vote for her..........unless someone with just the right shade of skin color comes along in the meantime like last time.
Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
Zeifman says that Hillary, along with Marshall, Nussbaum and Doar, was determined to gain enough votes on the Judiciary Committee to change House rules and deny counsel to Nixon. And in order to pull this off, Zeifman says Hillary wrote a fraudulent legal brief, and confiscated public documents to hide her deception.
After President Nixon’s resignation a young lawyer, who shared an office with Hillary, confided in me that he was dismayed by her erroneous legal opinions and efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel-as well as an unwillingness to investigate Nixon. In my diary of August 12, 1974 I noted the following:
John Labovitz apologized to me for the fact that months ago he and Hillary had lied to me [to conceal rules changes and dilatory tactics.] Labovitz said, “That came from Yale.” I said, “You mean Burke Marshall [Senator Ted Kennedy's chief political strategist, with whom Hillary regularly consulted in violation of House rules.] Labovitz said, “Yes.” His apology was significant to me, not because it was a revelation but because of his contrition.
At that time Hillary Rodham was 27 years old. She had obtained a position on our committee staff through the political patronage of her former Yale law school professor Burke Marshall and Senator Ted Kennedy. Eventually, because of a number of her unethical practices I decided that I could not recommend her for any subsequent position of public or private trust.
Two decades later Bill Clinton became President. As was later to be described in the Wall Street Journal by Henry Ruth, the lead Watergate courtroom prosecutor, “The Clintons corrupted the soul of the Democratic Party.”
An email says that Hillary Clinton — then Hillary Rodham — was fired for lying and being unethical when she was a 27-year-old working on the Watergate investigation. Is this true?
The viral email is mainly derived from a column published on March 31, 2008, by Dan Calabrese, founder of North Star Writers Group, according to fact-finder North Star was a newspaper syndicate that provided services until early 2012.
Calabrese’s information came from Democrat Jerry Zeifman, a counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Clinton on the Watergate investigation. Zeifman’s 2006 book, “Hillary’s Pursuit of Power,” states that she “… engaged in a variety of self-serving unethical practices in violation of House rules.”
On his now-shuttered website, Zeifman said, “Hillary Clinton is ethically unfit to be either a senator or president — and if she were to become president, the last vestiges of the traditional moral authority of the party of Roosevelt, Truman and Johnson will be destroyed.”
Specifically, Zeifman contends that Rodham and others wanted Richard Nixon to remain in office to bolster the chances of Sen. Ted Kennedy or another Democrat being elected president.
Zeifman said that in 1974 a young lawyer who shared an office with Clinton came to him to apologize that he and Clinton had lied to him. The lawyer, John Labovitz, is quoted as saying that he was dismayed with “… her erroneous legal opinions and efforts to deny Nixon representation by counsel — as well as an unwillingness to investigate Nixon.”
Zeifman charges that Rodham regularly consulted with Ted Kennedy’s chief political strategist, a violation of House rules.
Hillary Rodham’s conduct, according to Zeifman, also was the result of not wanting Nixon to face an impeachment trial because Democrats worried that Nixon might bring up abuses of office by President John Kennedy.
Zeifman — ironically, a consultant to a member of the Judiciary Committee that impeached President Bill Clinton — said Democrats feared putting Watergate break-in mastermind E. Howard Hunt on the stand. Hunt, Zeifman said, might report on his knowledge of nefarious activities in the Kennedy administration “including Kennedy’s purported complicity in the attempted assassination of Fidel Castro.”
Zeifman also asserts that Rodham joined Burke Marshall, Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair and Rodham’s former law professor; special counsel John Doar; and senior associate special counsel (and future Clinton White House counsel) Bernard Nussbaum in trying to gain enough votes on the Judiciary Committee to change House rules and deny counsel to Nixon.
In order to pull this off, Zeifman said that Rodham wrote a fraudulent legal brief, and confiscated public documents.
After the Nixon impeachment investigation was finished, Zeifman fired Rodham and said he refused to give her a letter of recommendation.
According to the Calabrese column as reported by, Zeifman said he regrets not reporting Rodham to the appropriate bar association.
So what are we to make of all this? Calabrese’s interview with Zeifman has been published around the Internet and repeated by pundits such as Rush Limbaugh and Neil Boortz. But there is nothing to out-and-out confirm Zeifman’s rendition. That doesn’t mean it couldn’t be true, but it makes it difficult to arrive at the truth.