Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
1. Chaps are worn over pants. Of course they are assless.
2. You obviously don't know shit about firearms. Seriously. You see, I happen to enjoy shooting my guns.
My Springfield SOCOM-16, .308 caliber
My over/under 45 Colt/.410 Derringer
My AK-47
My COLT AR-15 9mm Model 6450 (yeah, many police forces use them also) Excellent for CQC.
My 12 guage shotgun
My .45 pistol
My Uberti 1873 .45 Colt Carbine
My SIG-Sauer P-228
My semi-auto Remington .22 rifle, and.........
My Marlin Camp 9 Carbine. Both of which are a kick in the ass to shoot. The ammo for both is cheap and it makes for a fun day shooting.
2 - M4's
IMI Uzi 9mm (kicks the ass of the shitty MP)
930 SP Mossy
Remington 870 Special Purpose - 1 off
2 - 12ga pumps (Mossy, Remington)
Wilson Combat .45
Les Baer .45
Springfield .45
Hand built .45
2 matching - S&W .357's with 6 inch barrels.
Ruger SP101 .357
Ruger SR9 - Love that 9
Ruger PC9gr
Ruger Mini-14 and 30
Ruger P95, things a freaking tank.
1873 Colt Peacemaker
Multiple .22's from various rifles to semi auto pistols and revolvers.
And a bunch more. I used to shoot competitively and was on a team and made money from it.
No I'm not a nut-so. Now that I live in California it's just a pain to sell them off.