Squirting in Panties

Good job AJ. The system won't let me give you any nore rep power for whatever reason.
I've found this in the same vein, if only it were a pair of panties. It's worth it anyway
A 3896009 is kinda like a creamy_squirt_webcam_2.html wouldn't ya' say?
I win! :D skip to around 28:00 if your impatient.
Google that which you don't understand grasshopper.
in the year /3918792/creamy was not a song written by Zager And Evans.
(sigh) Anyone still out there? It matters not. (stares dutifully into the distance)
If this poem doesn't make your dick move a little you may have a problem...
It all started with


I suppose all internet poems end with .html.
Google it. I think it's by walt whitman...
h t t p : / / x h a m s t e r . c o m / m o v i e s / 4 4 7 3 0 9 2 / h o t _ b a b e _ d o e s _ h i d d e n _ s q u i r t . h t m l
Here's a few more. There seems to be a shortage of quality though... :/
a hamster lived in 4518423 zip code.
A different hamster's zip code was 4500614