Spotting a Tampon In a Hot Chicks Bag!

Understandable. What man wants to go into the store and buy feminine products?? I mean, mean don't usually ask women to buy their intimate products. That is a real disconnect between women and men.

However, if you manage to find yourself with a really, really incredible, out of your league chick and you want to endear yourself to her....walk in the local drug store proud as a peacock and buy her feminine products when she asks you to.:o

What is your "intimate product"?
What is your "intimate product"?

Not mine but it could be treatment for "jock itch" (just a form of a male yeast infection) for example. The only "intimate products" I buy are Trojan Magnums.:)

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
What is your "intimate product"?

Condoms or lube I guess. Funny story about that:

I went to a local grocery store to get condoms about a year ago. I picked up a box of Trojans along with my usual food items. It doesn't bother me to buy them, and it damn sure beats the alternative of having children. Better safe than sorry for sure. But when I went through the line to pay for everything, the guy who was bagging the groceries refused to put the condoms in the bag. He even said to the cashier, "I'm not touching those." Then he got a really disgusted look on his face and walked away.

I was totally floored! It's not like they had already been used. Somebody else had to come over and finish bagging my groceries because that guy didn't come back while I was there. The whole situation just made me uncomfortable. I never bought condoms there again....
Condoms or lube I guess. Funny story about that:

I went to a local grocery store to get condoms about a year ago. I picked up a box of Trojans along with my usual food items. It doesn't bother me to buy them, and it damn sure beats the alternative of having children. Better safe than sorry for sure. But when I went through the line to pay for everything, the guy who was bagging the groceries refused to put the condoms in the bag. He even said to the cashier, "I'm not touching those." Then he got a really disgusted look on his face and walked away.

I was totally floored! It's not like they had already been used. Somebody else had to come over and finish bagging my groceries because that guy didn't come back while I was there. The whole situation just made me uncomfortable. I never bought condoms there again....

:1orglaugh He was probably one of those strict Catholics who even at the sight of something that'll deviate from the "Lords plan" will send them running to the confessional....

I'm sure Father O'Flannery was very gentle.
Condoms or lube I guess. Funny story about that:

I went to a local grocery store to get condoms about a year ago. I picked up a box of Trojans along with my usual food items. It doesn't bother me to buy them, and it damn sure beats the alternative of having children. Better safe than sorry for sure. But when I went through the line to pay for everything, the guy who was bagging the groceries refused to put the condoms in the bag. He even said to the cashier, "I'm not touching those." Then he got a really disgusted look on his face and walked away.

I was totally floored! It's not like they had already been used. Somebody else had to come over and finish bagging my groceries because that guy didn't come back while I was there. The whole situation just made me uncomfortable. I never bought condoms there again....

You could have made a scene and got tons of free condoms.
Is this a turn off to anyone?
I dunno, went to lunch with a hot chick that I know one day and then hung out with a hot younger chick from my work and both times I just happen to peek in their bags to see a Tampon!

Any Ex I had would always hide it or be a bit demure about it, is it just today's generation?
I can't explain why but I suddenly got turned off by this and BOTH chicks were hot....I understand it's a "nature" thing, but.......:dunno:

I mentioned it to both of them and they just laughed it off!

C'mon champ! Don't tell me you haven't earned your red wings yet? :thumbsup:

On a serious note though, this is about as ridiculous as the question of whether or not pretty girls fart. It's a bodily function and until the day comes when we evolve beyond organic compounds we are just gonna have to deal with it.
C'mon champ! Don't tell me you haven't earned your red wings yet? :thumbsup:

On a serious note though, this is about as ridiculous as the question of whether or not pretty girls fart. It's a bodily function and until the day comes when we evolve beyond organic compounds we are just gonna have to deal with it.

It is a silly question,but it has been fun to comment on! What else can we talk about?? Hmmmmm......


Hiliary 2020
A girl with a tampon?
Oh what the fuck is this world coming to?
Just be thankful it wasn't Vagi-Clean.

C'mon alex, lets get serious.


Lost at Birth
i think its more interesting to see a guy with a tampon in his purse. it makes you wonder
So here's a true story about the "intimate products," for those who care.

So I had a friend living with me for a short time. I was helping him out. This guy is hilarious. He thought it would be funny to leave me "presents" in various places. For example, just after he moved out I found a pair of handcuffs in my car glove box. Pretty funny. Then I found a purple "Junior Dong" dildo in my fridge. Oh wait, no I didn't find it. A woman visiting me for dinner found it. Hilarious. I kept it. I waited.

About six months later, this same guy was getting married. So I packed to go to the wedding, and the junior dong got packed too. Of course, at the airport, I was randomly selected for a baggage search. The baggage searching woman (had to be a woman, of course) opens my luggage, and I must have packed everything tightly, because junior springs out of the luggage and lands on the floor exactly halfway between the woman searching my luggage and me.

So we both look at it. I ask her if she'd like to pick it up, or if I should.

It was awesome.

By the way, for those who care, I sneaked the junior dong into the honeymoon luggage. I bet they used it.


Those fucking bitches and their fucking periods and their fucking PMS and their fucking OCD and their fucking disapproving parents and their fucking cock blocking friends and their fucking shopping fetish.

Women, we dont need them I tell ya!!!
I can't stand when guys get wierded out by periods. Its irritating, to say the least. Yes we get periods. You also jizz. Its unfortunate that OUR reproductive fluid doesn't come out of us during a pleasurable, sexual act like yours does, but its still our reproductive fluid. Essentially the same thing as jizz, only in female form. Just be glad our rags don't shoot out of our snatches when we orgasm like splooge does. And be thankful your lady friend is well prepared and doesn't have to bleed all over her panties, should her monthly visitor arrive.

Oh, and what goes on inside a womans purse is none of your business. As curious as us women can be as to how much cash is in your wallet, you never see US trying to sneak a peek do ya? :tongue:



I can't stand when guys get wierded out by periods. Its irritating, to say the least. Yes we get periods. You also jizz. Its unfortunate that OUR reproductive fluid doesn't come out of us during a pleasurable, sexual act like yours does, but its still our reproductive fluid. Essentially the same thing as jizz, only in female form. Just be glad our rags don't shoot out of our snatches when we orgasm like splooge does. And be thankful your lady friend is well prepared and doesn't have to bleed all over her panties, should her monthly visitor arrive.

Oh, and what goes on inside a womans purse is none of your business. As curious as us women can be as to how much cash is in your wallet, you never see US trying to sneak a peek do ya? :tongue:

Excuses! Excuses! :mad:


Member, you member...
Why would it matter?
If she saw a condom in your wallet, would she be turned off because she assumes you have sex a lot and are ready "just in case," or that maybe you have it for her?