The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You don't have to worry about your life though when you wear your Leafs jersey to the Molton Center.
Well I'd certainly hope not, considering Molton is in England.
You don't have to worry about your life though when you wear your Leafs jersey to the Molton Center.
:rofl:Well I'd certainly hope not, considering Molton is in England.
Makes me wonder what could have been if the Expos had gotten their new stadium.... Awe damn, I just got depressed.
Professional sports teams trying to get tax-payer funded stadiums is one of the biggest rip offs there are. It's made even worse by the fact a lot of teams try to shamelessly hold a city hostage by threatening to move. New stadiums don't really help bring in fans past the point the new car smell wears off of it, and it definitely doesn't help teams win. The only real thing, outside of having a fan base with the loyalty the Chicago Cubs or Green Bay Packers have, that can get more revenue and more people to watch and attend games is to win more. Winning correlates better with fan attendance than pretty much anything else. It also doesn't involve trying to extort tax payer money on such an unnecessary thing for the benefit of a few, that could be paid for by teams themselves that rake in millions a year.
I believe it's more complicated then that. I know friends personally who have a job at the new arena we have for our NHL team. It also forces rich SOBs to pay $20 a drink on Club which is also taxed. Local business's love it and that makes further tax. New businesses have also moved in. I also think some of the deals are worked out where the owner pays back over time?
I'm not entirely sure where the money for Labatt Field would have come from. The reason Montreal is opposed to any kind of public funding is likely due to the 1976 Olympics and so obviously it is hard to speculate whether or not they would have put up some of the money for the Expos because they were still paying the Olympics off at the time. I do think that it was the management that doomed the team more than anything else. The Expos were probably the worst run team in MLB history. Jeffery Loria is without a doubt the worst owner I think I have ever heard about. The man managed to kill what was once an incredibly popular sport in Canada and Quebec. Talk to anyone who lives in Quebec and they will most likely tell you that they loved the Expos, but they just didn't want to put up the money for a team that was never going to be a winner and was seemingly always under threat of relocation. If the team had some success on the field, they would most likely still be around. If the 1994 season hadn't been shortened, the Expos would have won the World Series and would be playing in a brand new ballpark right now.
Nice try Plas. They would've made it to the World Series and subsequently lost to the Don Mattingly lead Yankees!
Keep dreaming. That Simpsons episode was always going to be Mattingly's highest career moment. If I was a conspiracy theorist I would say MLB brought on the strike because the American teams couldn't stand three years of Canadian World Champions. But that's just silly. :tongue:
Nice try Plas. They would've made it to the World Series and subsequently lost to the Don Mattingly lead Yankees!
Is there a professional sports team in ANY league more overlooked than the Toronto Raptors?
I mean, The NBA in Canada? :wtf:
Watch out.I can think of at least two members that are about to go for your jugular.
There's always wishfull thinking though...I mean, there is the Grizzlies blueprint. :tongue:
My best friend growing up loved Don Mattingly. Big hitter. Biiiiig time hitter. He also liked Daryl Strawberry as well when he was tearing it up with the Dodgers. Had all the rookie cards.